Them & Their's ( Why these clown free agents are lettin' LeBron dictateTHEIR futures)

"Just wait 'til I tell you what to do for yo family bruh!"
Muhmmad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, once said, “Think 100 times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.” Then Teddy Roosevelt and his old lady jumped out of the whip arguin’ over the decision. Theodore said, “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is the nothing.” Eleanor shut the building down with, “I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.”

Well playa… all of these clown free agent cats are gettin’ on my freakin’ nerves at this point because they can’t make a decision. Never in my life have I seen a bunch of cats afraid to make a decision about their OWN lives. How does one man control the outlook of another man’s well-being? Wheredeydodatat?

Nobody is gonna make a move until LeBron makes one? That’s ignorant playboy! I can hear Big Momma right now sayin’, “So you gone let another man dictate what you do with your life? Be a man and decide what you’re gonna do boy! LeBron ain’t thinkin’ bout you butt!” And that’s the edited version!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Bosh is the biggest sucka of them all at this point bruh. He’s got a max deal on the table from Houston and this dun is sittin’ around waitin’ on LeBron to tell him what to do. It’s a no brainer, you take the deal and keep it movin’!

Don’t give me the freakin’ excuse that he wants to win more championships in Miami. If he goes back to Miami he’s gonna make less bread and his legacy isn’t gonna be enhanced not one bit even if he does win more championships. He’s got two now and if the Heat are lucky enough to win more he won't get the credit for winnin’ anymore because it’s gonna be LeBron’s legacy not his.

Think about all of the duns that played with Bill Russell and Jordan that were a part of all of those championship runs that boyz don’t either know or care about. Sam Jones has 10 rings and if that dun ran up on you right now and stole your bike you wouldn’t know who he was. Tom “Satch” Sanders has 8 rings and nobody cares.

Here’s my diehard Miami fan that just has to say somethin’ instead of bein’ schooled, “Jay you’re bringin’ up a bunch of cats that nobody is old enough to remember anyway. Bosh wants to be relevant so he’s wants to play with LeBron.”

Oh so I’m just bringin’ up old timers huh? Okay, how many times does a boy really think about Scottie Pippen havin’ 6 rings bruh! When cats talk about boyz havin’ 6 rings they point to Jordan and Kareem not Scottie. Scottie would be no more relevant to you if he only had 3! Nobody cares that Robert Horry has 7 joints! Why? Because he wasn’t considered the greatest player! Only the legacies of the duns that are considered the greatest players of their particular eras are relevant to history. Scottie was a beast but if he only had 3 rings it wouldn't change your perception of him. Why? Because boyz gave Jordan all of the credit.

Do you really think that anybody cares that John Sally has 4 championships under his belt? As a matter of fact most of you simple minded individuals didn’t even know that he had 4 until I just told you. So Chris Bosh better quit messin’ around with LeBron and take all of that bread Houston is offerin’ and keep it movin’!

Melo is bein’ weak too! The Knicks have thrown $129 million on the table and he’s sittin’ around waitin’ on LeBron? LeBron can’t pay you $129 million! So what are we doin’ here playa? Melo is known as the Black Hole, the Ball Stoppa etc. That dun isn’t gonna win a championship regardless of where he plays so why is he sittin’ around waitin’ on LeBron? In order to win at the highest level you have to play T.E.A.M. basketball and defense and he has neither in his repertoire. So stop with all of this foolishness, take the bread and keep drivin’!

Here’s my foolish fan again, “Jay I’m not lettin’ this go bruh! These other guys want to win titles to cement their legacies bruh! That’s why they’re waitin’ on LeBron!” If they’re legacies were relevant playboy they wouldn’t be waitin’ on LeBron! LeBron would be waitin’ on them! Therefore, they are the suckas in this whole equation. Do you think Magic, Bird or Jordan would be sittin’ around waitin’ for another cat to tell you what he’s gonna do with his life before they decide what they’re gonna do with their lives? Give me a freakin’ break!

This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Boyz are lettin’ one cat dictate how much bread they make because of the possibility of winnin’ and only so many people are gonna win anyway! Are you serious?

LeBron is playin’ all of these clowns like a violin! Have you ever heard of a cat named James Loscutoff? Well he won 7 championships with Bill Russell and nobody cares. So do you really think that if someone had offered that dun $20 million to bounce after the 3rd joint to play with the Bulls he would have told you, “Naw I’m cool Ima ride with my boy Bill and keep winnin’ championships even though nobody cares about who I am.”

Chris Bosh and the rest of these clowns better wake up and smell the toe jam bruh! The only cat’s legacies that are relevant are the boyz that are considered the greatest of their eras. Everybody else better get in where they fit in and get this money! It wouldn’t have mattered to the world if Dennis Rodman had won 2 or the 5 that he actually won. Why? Because the best player on the teams that he was on got the credit for winnin' the titles as far as history is concerned. Why? Because most people don't think for themselves.

So if the Knicks had offered Rodman $40 million after winnin’ the first joint with Jordan he probably would only have the two he won in Detroit and one with Chicago. Why? Because his job was to play basketball and gettin’ money is 90 percent of why we all go to work!

If your boss told you today that you had two options; you can either become the best salesman in the world for $500K per year for the next 4 or he’ll pay you $2M per year to just go to work every day for the next 4 years. Which option would you take? I’m just sayin’! There is a reason why Kevin Garnett stayed in Minnesota for as long as he did bruh! He made more than $300M foolin’ around with them and he would still be up there if they hadn’t traded his butt! And that's the edited version!

Especially understandin' the facts on boyz goin' broke after retirement. Accordin' to a March 2009 Sports Illustrated joint entitled "How (and Why) Pro Athletes Go Broke" that simply stated that within five years of retirement 60 percent of former NBA players are broke! So why are you messin' with LeBron?

Don't get it twisted playboy, players don’t win championships playboy, organizations do! I’ve been tellin’ you cats that for years. It all depends upon where you’ve been blessed to play, who you play with and when you were able to play there. KG didn’t all of a sudden learn how to play once he got to Boston pimpin’! These cats better stop foolin’ with LeBron and take care of them and their's! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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