Idiot Proof (Why boyz will skew the facts to Hate on LeBron but MJ &Kobe get a pass)

"I'm just sayin' bruh!"
Samuel Butler, the Victorian-era English author once said, “The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.” Josh Billings, the famous 19th century writer, gave it to us like this, “There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they can’t tell the truth without lying.” Then Josefina Vazquez Mota, the Mexican businesswoman and politician, shut the building down with, “There are two ways of lying. One, not telling the truth and the other, making up statistics.”

What blows my mind is the amount of people walkin’ around this country that call themselves educated that can’t figure out when a boy is lyin’ to them. But what makes it worse is that they’ll spread the same lie to another cat without blinkin’! Yes I’m talkin’ about the duns out here that make up stats and foolishness to blast LeBron for simply playin’ the game of basketball.

Before I go in on these boyz let me preface it by sayin’ that my favorite player of all-time is Kevin Garnett because of the passion that he plays the game with. No other player in history plays as hard as he does every single night. I’m talkin’ regular season and playoffs but that’s just my opinion. That’s why he’s my guy.

I defend LeBron because of the idiots and haters that continue to lie and make up “stuff” to make their favorite player look better. And that’s the edited version playboy! You don’t have to make stats up to make your guy look better. The facts don’t lie!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I’m talkin’ about the idiots that put together these freakin’ charts after the Finals were over on Monday and sends them out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and the clown that looks at it and forwarded it to his friends not understandin’ that it’s foolishness. It has Jordan, Tim Duncan, Kobe and LeBron’s resumes with titles, MVP’s etc.

First of all playa, you can’t compare a completed resume to an incomplete resume. For all of you simple minded individuals you can’t pull up what a boy accomplished by the time he was 40 to a boy that’s 29! You do realize that Mike played until 2003 and he was born in 1963! Tim Duncan is 38 and Kobe is freakin’ 35! This isn’t an argument about whose better or worse bruh. This is about logic and not bein’ stupid when you open your mouth to argue somethin’. Always deal in the facts.

To compare beyond age 29 for any one of these guys is asinine because LeBron is just 29! That’s like me postin’ my resume on Facebook next to my 17 year old son’s. You would laugh me off of the joint because you can’t expect my son to have as much on his resume as I do! Stop bein’ stupid.

Then if you’re gonna post somethin’ hollerin’ about rings because 90 percent of the time that’s what these fools do. At least do your homework and realize that Mike is middle of the road when it comes to championships. Post a joint with Bill Russell 11, Sam Jones 10, John Havlicek 8, Tom Heinsohn 8, K.C. Jones 8, Tom “Satch” Sanders 8, Robert Horry 7, James Loscutoff 7, Frank Ramsey 7, Kareem Abdul Jabbar 6, Michael Jordan 6, Scottie Pippen 6 if you’re gonna talk stuff. And that’s the edited version.

You look like the idiot that stands up in front of an audience tryin’ to use big words to impress people but there’s always somebody in the crowd that’s smarter than you that realizes that you’re mispronouncin’ the freakin’ words and usin’ them out of context.

Let’s go in on the fool that says, “I hate LeBron because he left Cleveland because Magic, Jordan or Bird didn’t leave to go win a championship.” Now he’s either too young to understand or he rode the short bus to school growin’ up. These duns didn’t have to leave because the situation worked out with the teams that drafted them.

Within three years of Mike bein’ in the Chi Scottie, the best wingman in the game at the time, got in the ride. Within five years Phil (the best coach to ever walk the sidelines) got in the driver’s seat and they always had shooters hangin’ out of the window pickin’ boyz off pimpin’! Am I lyin’? They had Craig Hodges ( the best three point assassin in the game at the time), then duns like B.J. Armstrong, Paxson and Kerr. Not to mention boyz linin’ up to play with him like Ron Harper and Dennis Rodman (the best rebounder to ever live). Are you serious?

When Magic got to LA Kareem was waitin’ for him bruh with a 1971 ring already in his pocket. Within two years he got Pat Riley! Are you serious? Larry Bird showed up in Boston and within a year they traded for Robert Parish and drafted Kevin McHale two eventual Hall of Famers. Are you freakin’ serious?

LeBron spent seven years in Cleveland with no help, no coach and no signs of boyz comin’ to help or coach! They brought in an end of the road Shaq and Antione Jamison to help this dun bruh. Then they fired what little of a coach he did have and his GM walked off of the job just before he became a free agent. What did you expect? Only a fool would stay in that situation.

That's like gettin' mad at a boy for movin' out of the projects because he wanted more out of life and comparin' him to a dun that grew up in the suburbs and sayin' that he didn't have to leave his hood to win in life! You sound stupid!!!!

They call it free agency for a reason playa and don’t get mad because a boy was smarter than the organization and decided that he was in control of his future and not the franchise. I had a dun tell me that LeBron had to sit in a back room with his boyz and put a team together. What? That’s how all teams are put together you idiot!! It’s just done by the front office and not the players. It showed me that LeBron at 25 was smarter than the freakin’ front offices of 90 percent of the league.

You didn’t trip when Karl Malone and Gary Payton ran out to LA to jump on the bandwagon to win a title that didn’t happen. You didn’t trip when Steve Nash ran out there either! I didn’t hear boyz hatin’ on Barkley for runnin’ not only to Phoenix but to Houston only to come up short. But that dun was on the Dan Patrick show this past Monday hollerin’ about how much he doesn’t respect LeBron because he left to play with his boyz. What? But everybody listenin’ to that foolishness agreed and gave that dun a pass. Wheredeydodatat?

If you’re gonna hate this young boy come up with a real reason to dislike him. Tell me that the dun broke into your garage when you were 10 and stole your reflectors off of your bike. Tell me that he knocked down your girl when you were 16 and you just can’t get over it. Tell me that he backed into your ole man’s Eldorado in the Wal-mart parkin’ lot and didn’t stop. But DO NOT tell me that you hate him because he was smarter than any other basketball player that you’ve ever seen about his OWN future. Do Not tell me that because he understood at 25 years old that Cleveland was a dumpster fire that was bein’ run by a complete idiot that you don’t like him. Tell me anything but that!

Here’s my Jordan and Kobe fans hollerin’ at me. “Aw Jay why you don’t like Mike or Kobe bruh? Cuz I know you don’t like them!” You wanna know playboy? I’ll tell you why.

My reason for not liking those duns has absolutely nothin’ to do with the game of basketball playa. Although, I've got TALL respect for their games! As a matter of fact, I've got ridiculous respect for them because MJ is the GOAT!!! However, Mike is the most influential athlete on the planet and has been for darn near 30 years and for 30 years that dun has NEVER spoken up or had an opinion about anything that didn’t have to do with him or the Jordan Brand.

He’s sellin’ sneakers in every hood in America and it wasn’t until last week that I’ve heard of that cat showin’ up to a school in the hood to encourage some kids. Don’t tell me that he does it all of the time because he’s Mike and we’d know about it. I grew up 10 minutes from Chicago playa. I was in high school when Jordan showed up and he wasn’t touchin’ the ghetto with a ten foot pole. He got our money but never gave us his time! That’s why I don’t like him. Agree or disagree with me but at least I've got a legitimate reason for not likin' that dun.

I don’t like Kobe because he violated the Brotherhood Code of Conduct Rule 1 Section 1 Article 1 “Never bring another man's business into your foolishness.” When he got arrested on the rape charge and threw Shaq under the bus he was in direct violation of the code. You can never get in the ride with some real G’s again operatin’ like that homeboy. If I was ridin' dirty and Kobe was my next door neighbor and I saw that dun walkin' I wouldn't give him a ride because he'd tell it all if we got pulled over. That is a legitimate reason for not likin' a boy too. If his name wasn't Kobe 98 percent of you cats would've been off of him too but you're blinded by his game.

What do both of these duns have in common? Selfishness! That’s a legitimate reason not to like a boy. You can agree or disagree but it’s real and not made up by some fool postin’ lies to Facebook.

It’s not somethin’ petty like 'he took his talents to South Beach." What cats don’t realize is that he took his boyz out the hood, taught them the marketin’ game and now they’re millionaires too. He’s never once been in trouble and he’s givin’ you simple minded the individuals the blue print on how to get bread and you’re actin’ like crabs in a bucket. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesrpeport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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