Thought Process (Why Alex Rodriguez is like King Kong on these boyz)

"Really bruh!"
When I was up in the Bronx hangin’ with the fellas, we saw these cats standing out in front of Yankee Stadium arguing about injustice. Frederick Douglass said, “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.” Martin Luther King Jr. threw his hat down and said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Then Voltaire, the 16th century French philosopher, said, “Men use thought as authority for their injustice, and employ speech only to conceal their thoughts.”

Well it looks like Bud Selig, Anthony Bosch, the Yankees and ole dull Fredric Horowitz, the arbitrator of this foolishness that is the Alex Rodriguez situation were doing some serious thinking. Since these duns are using thought as the authority for injustice their brains are about to explode at any minute.

Last fall boyz tried to hit A-Rod off with a 211 game suspension as a result of the Biogenesis Scandal where 13 other cats got 50 game suspensions with the exception of Ryan Braun who was handed 65 games. Like a G, A-Rod appealed the joint because 211 games would have meant that he would have been out the game for the remainder of last season and all of this upcoming 2014 campaign.

Now the arbitrator comes back with a 162 games on a boy like he’s supposed to just take it. Then Anthony Bosch and Bud Selig jumped on 60 Minutes on Sunday night and completely regurgitated all over the dun doing the interview and his camera crew.

So first thing Monday morning A-Rod’s homies were waiting for the U.S. District Courts to open like Wal-mart on Black Friday to sue these cats. And guess what? I was standing in line with these fools because I drove them up there. So for my time and effort I wanted a new 70” flat screen and one of those funny looking vests they make them rock.

Now let me say this before you cats start thinking that I’m an A-Rod fan! I’m not a baseball fan at all. I think that it’s worse than watching paint dry playboy but when a boy is getting railroaded I’ve got to say something. Now did he use performance enhancing drugs? Absolutely! You’d be a fool not to think so. However, has he tested positive at any point? Not at all! Should he be suspended for being dumb enough to send messages that link him to this ignorance? Absolutely! Should he be suspended for the entire 2014 campaign? Absolutely not!

If the collective Bargaining Agreement states that 50 games is the penalty for first time Joes then the penalty should be 50 games. Ryan Braun took the 65 games like a sucka and kept it movin’! I would have appealed that for the sake of appealing. On GP they may have taken 10 games off just because he stood up for his.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! What’s so crazy is that boyz watching that 60 Minute joint with Bosch was acting like he was really saying something. This is the same shady cat that ran a highly thought out illegal drug business that was throwing a boy under the bus for some bread. You gotta understand that duns like Bosch are only breathing for the bread bruh! So they’ll do anything for it.

Was he telling the truth? Absolutely! But here are the real questions that ole boy should have been asking him. Why are you telling me this and what are you getting out of it? Well he couldn’t ask him that because he already knew why he was telling it because 60 Minutes was paying him to tell it.

Then Bud Selig jumped out of the birthday cake with an extra tight thong on to add to this foolishness. Major League Baseball has been ridin’ shotgun with all of these cats doing drugs for years playboy. Now all of a sudden they've got a moral compass? “Give Me a Break”with Nell Carter bruh! How can I say that MLB has been the scrub hollerin’ at broads out of the passenger side of his best friend’s ride? Because the punishment for cheating amounts to nothing.

If you could get caught stealing at the store and the punishment was that you couldn’t go shopping in that store for 50 days. You would get caught stealing in that very same store every 100 days. That’s only if you get caught! So stop with all of this foolishness.

A-Rod’s boyz came into the Federal Court like some gangstas too. Not only are they suing MLB they’re suing the MLBPA for not having his back and they should have. U.S. District Court Judge William H. Pauley III said that it was cool to release the arbitrator’s decision which the boyz in the Player’s Association were fired up about because they said that it violated the confidentiality agreement in the CBA.

Here’s the deal playboy! When ole Bud decided to jump on 60 Minutes he violated the agreement. So now it’s on and poppin’! Everything’s on the table now bruh! That's not me talkin' that's the judge! I'm just putting it where the goats can get it!

Let me put something on your head playboy. Alex Rodriguez is a PR nightmare for Major League Baseball because they paid him more than $500 million in salary and they never thought in their wildest dreams that the richest player in history would get caught up in a doping scandal.

Now they want him to go away but he's got enough bread to fight whatever they throw his way. It's like going to Africa, getting King Kong and now he's loose in Manhattan, climbing the Empire State Building! The bullets aren't piercing his body because he's too insulated to be affected and he's not coming down until he get's ready.

Sure, he eventually dies but not until after he's completely destroys Manhattan.

Stop listening to all of these superficial journalists that are only capable of seeing the duck looking smooth from the water up. While they're watching him sail, I'm under the water watching him kick!

All I’m saying is that you can’t just slam a boy with an entire season and expect him to just go away when the Yankees are on the hook for $61 million to this dun. If you don’t think that the boyz up in the Bronx aren’t pulling the strings on the puppet that is the 162 games suspension you’re on drugs too. And that's why Frederick Douglass, MLK and Voltaire are still standing in front of the stadium arguing. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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