Kid Mess (The REAL reason AJ McCarron's mom was hatin' on Famous Jameis)

"There, there baby it's OK! You want me to get 'em for you!"
After the BCS National Championship game boyz were standing around outside kickin’ it when things popped off like they usually do after a party. All of a sudden these cats started fighting over the concept of jealousy. Mary Schmich, the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, said, “Don’t waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind.” Jean Baudrillard, the French sociologist, threw his program down and said, “A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided its smacks of jealousy.” Then William Penn cold cocked a boy with one of those souvenir cups when he said, “The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.”

I know everybody by now has heard about or seen the Tweet that A.J. McCarron’s ole hatin’ momma sent out while Famous Jameis was being interviewed by ESPN’s Tom Rinaldi. It simply said, “Am I listening to English?” Then like a coward she quickly deleted it.

Yeah baby girl you were listening to English and watching your son sitting at the crib after getting beat by Auburn on a dull 109 field goal return in the Iron Bowl and then getting his doors blown off by the Oklahoma Sooners in the Sugar Bowl. Not to mention the fact that your son got beat in the Heisman race by this non-English speaking dun holding the National Championship trophy.

So I completely understand why you’re sittin’ at the crib mad that this young boy from your home state completely dissed your Alabama Crimson Tide to play at Florida State to win a national title. I get it! I’d be little upset too but I’d understand that I'm somebody’s parent and would act like it.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! When you become somebody’s momma or daddy you have to start acting like it. Some stuff you just can’t do anymore. Like comment on kid business. Jameis is somebody’s child. The boy just turned 20 on Monday and you’re trying to embarrass him?

Grown folks don’t get into kid mess. Let your son be the hater that he is by himself. I know you remember him taking shots at Jameis during the weeks before the Heisman presentation because of the foolishness that was going on in which he was NEVER charged? He was doing what haters do and boyz gave him a pass because he’s a young boy and doesn’t know any better. He’ll grow out of it. But you’re a grown “A” woman that should know better.

See where I’m from you already know the consequences of that type of foolishness. So before you even hit the send button you would have thought about the beat down coming as a result of sending it and you would have quickly hit the back button to erase it. Now many times the beef won’t even come from the person you offended. It comes from the folks around him. That’s the problem playboy because you never know who’s down with him.

So while you’re hatin’ on a kid that was only playing a football game. You insulted a whole group of people that love him and showed the world that you’re a sore loser. Your son has won 3 out of 4 national championships and you're hatin'? Give me a break! Be happy for someone else! When you were in kindergarten they called that being selfish!

While you’re worried about this dun being able to talk you need to be worried about your son holding a clip board and getting writer’s cramp in the NFL for the rest of his career. Can you say Greg McElroy? Because I sure can! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL Talk!    

1 comment:

  1. Perfectly said! You didn't even have to mention that her apology wasn't even an apology. Apologies never include the word "IF". The point is that the world sees the headlines that she apologized but in reality she didn't and she won't. She and her family despise him - look at her nephew Rusty McCarron's tweets. And you didn't even have to mention her brother Dustin Kent, ask who is paying for his private defense attorney or who has been scrubbing the media & internet for their connection.


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