The Truth Serum (Why AFTER READING the 86 page report it's OK to call Jameis' accuser a liar!)

"Oh, it's on now playboy!"
Boyz were playing video games in the dorm and talking crazy as usual when a few cats started arguing about the truth. Abraham Lincoln said, “I am a firm believer in people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” Mark Twain threw the controller across the room and said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” Then Winston Churchill, who was in the room but was spittin’ game to this honey on the phone said, “Hold up baby, let me tell these boyz something real quick” then he stood up and said, “The truth is incontrovertible . Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

After more than a month of foolishness and on some real talk, darn near a day shy of a year of this foolishness, Jameis Winston can finally move on with his life. Now I told you boyz a month ago that it was foolishness when the story broke in my Hot Joint entitled "Doin' a Solid." It was some gangsta ish to keep this dun from winning the Heisman and playin' for a national title. If he were to get hemmed up that would have led to an immediate suspension by Florida State. Either way, boyz didn’t want to see this cat on the field because the Seminoles are rolling right now.

What’s blowing my mind is that all of these talkin' head cats out here that were completely slammin' this kid for the past month are still refusin' to eat crow today. Everybody talkin' refuses to call the accuser what she was and that was a straight up liar bruh! I realize that sexual assault is serious business but this ain’t that pimpin’! If a boy tells you that he doesn't have enough evidence to even charge this cat then that tells you something. Why? Because you live in the same world that I live  in pimp! You already know that they'll pick a boy up in a minute with virtually nothing to go on and hold him for 72 hours on GP, especially a brother! 

Here's my usual roof top screamer, "Man why you gotta pull the race card? Now you're talking crazy wanting to bring race into it!" Am I talking crazy playboy when the facts according to Bureau of Prison Statistics say that 1 in 6 black men have been incarcerated as of 2001? If the current trend continues 1 in 3 black males can expect to spend time in prison in their lifetime. African Americans and Hispanics make up 58% of the total prison population but they only make up 25% of the US population. According to Unlocking America, if African Americans and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates as whites for the same crimes, the prison population would decline by 50%.

So therefore, if it's that easy for a brother to get picked up, locked up and convicted and they never even charged this dun with a crime, how am I talking crazy? I just hit you in the dome with why it was some foolishness in the first place but you wanna get caught up on the fact that I did my research before I sat down and wrote this joint. You can't act like race is never factor when the stats say that it is.

I was the first dun to say that if Jameis is guilty of this foolishness then he needs to go to jail. No ifs, ands or buts about it! Why because I’ve got a wife, a daughter, a momma and a sister. However, when it’s some garbage you gotta call it what it is bruh!

My background is in sales and I’ve been one of the best in the world at what I do simply because I've followed the advice of an old friend when I started in Corporate America some 23 and a half years ago. Never talk about anything that you don’t know about. Always do your research before sitting down with anybody. That's rule No.1! Never allow the conversation to turn down a street that you haven't at least been down before. Know your stuff!

Therefore, I sat down and read the entire 86 pages of foolishness that I told boyz were foolishness a month ago just to make sure that I’d already seen this movie before and it’s OK to call ole girl a liar today because we’ve got proof that she is.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! She told the police in the report that she had been drinking at some joint called Potbelly’s with some friends. She told them that she had 5 shots etc. and that some cat gave her a drink in passing and shortly thereafter that she went blank.

So when the DA’s office pulled the toxicology reports on her to check for drugs and to see if she was in fact drunk or had been drugged; she was found not to be drunk nor were there any drugs in her system. Where I’m from that’s a called lie playa!

In another portion of the report she says that somebody hit her in the head and knocked her out. When in fact, there was no evidence to suggest that either. That’s called lyin’ again playboy!

Then she told the police that she ended up in a cab with 3 random duns that she didn’t know and eventually in some cat’s bedroom having sex with a boy that she didn’t give permission to. Now that was partially true because she didn’t know these duns but she did give permission.

According to the report and sworn affidavits, ole girl rolled up on Winston’s boy earlier in the evening and asked if he played ball. When he said yes she got crazy interested and gave him her number and he kept it movin’! Why? Because anybody that’s ever played ball knows that that’s just how it goes. Chick’s roll up on boyz all of the time trying to holla just because they’re on the team. It ain’t no trip!

When he and the fellas decided to bounce she’s standing there waiting for the cab with them because she’s spittin’ at Jamies now. Both witnesses say that she pretty much invited herself  to go along with them and was calling and texting her girl to come hook up with Jameis’ roommate. So if she was texting her girl trying to hook her up and jumpin’ in the ride and everybody that witnessed it says that she wasn't drunk. Then somebody's lyin' right? And if she says that she was drunk and incoherent and the toxicology report says otherwise, then it's OK to call her a liar.

Moving forward in the report she says that ole boy undressed her and took advantage of the fact that she was incoherent when eye witness accounts say that they saw her gettin’ it in and got mad because boyz were peeking through the door of Winston’s room because the lock on the door didn’t work.

One of Winston’s roommates came in to join the party like they always do according to the report and she told him to get out, got up, turned off the lights and slammed the door. Say it with me bruh, “Liar!”

The more I read the joint the more this chick contradicted herself at every turn. It was ridiculous. She’s telling investigators that she’s incoherent one minute but she’s able to tell a boy which direction Jameis went on the scooter after he dropped her off.  She's able to remember passing the Chick-fil-A but she's incoherent! She’s able to give minor details of the scooter ride to the crib but didn’t know where she was. But then she knows the street corner that he dropped her off on and was able to walk to the crib all while texting her girl. If you can be drunk and incoherent and do all of that boyz wouldn't be gettin' DUI's out here.

She’s riding around with two different cat’s DNA in her pants like she’s working for the Census Bureau or something. Now Jameis Winston’s reputation has been drug through the mud and he can’t get that back because some groupie chick tripped on him. All of the duns that left him off of their Heisman ballots and turned them in can't get those joints back either.  And shame on those duns for taking him off in the first place! Busters!!! Does she realize just how much bread she cost this kid with this foolishness? The Heisman bruh? That's worth several million down the line in the Johnny Football Autograph clause alone!!!!

I could go on but why? Like I said earlier, I know that sexual assault is a serious situation when it’s sexual assault. However, this ain’t that bruh! This is foolishness and that’s why the Tallahassee police didn’t move forward with it. Why? Because if you went to college and played ball or even hung out with ball players you’ve seen this movie before.

It’s called "The Truth Syrum" bruh! It looks crazy initially but if you pay attention to the minor details that the director gives you in the set up of the movie you can figure out the ending real quick because it’s always written poorly.

It’s a shame that a 19 year old kid would have to go through this type of madness but I bet he learned a valuable lesson through all of this. Keep your joint in the car. As a matter of fact, send that joint to Big Momma and tell her to hold on to this until you finish school. You know how a boy gives her everything to hold on to that’s of value while he’s in school because you know he’s gonna lose it with moving every year or sometimes twice a year?

I just feel sorry for Duke this weekend too bruh because they just happen to be the duns in the way at this point. They didn’t do thing to deserve this. Everybody in America is gonna be watchin’ Jameis Winston and the Seminoles on Saturday. They just happen to be the deer crossing the freakin’ street minding their own business and a boyz brakes just went out on national TV.

All of the pressure has not only been removed from Winston but tfrom he entire team and coaching staff. These boys are upset do you hear me? They’re gonna put 143 points on these duns on purpose. I don’t care who’s on the field come BCS Championship Game time. They are gonna beat the brakes off of them just to make a statement to the world that you messed with my guy and now I gotta cut you! Stop me when I start lyin’ playboy!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  


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