The Golden Ticket (How boyz lied to us on the Maurice Clarett 30 For 30 Joint.)

"You know what? Ima play myself in about 6 months just cuz!"
As I’m rolling through the hood in Youngstown, Ohio, I see these cats standing on the bus stop about to go to blows over the discussion of respect. Thomas S. Monson, the religious leader and author, said, “Perhaps the surest test of an individual’s integrity is his refusal to do or say anything that would damage his self-respect.” Clint Eastwood put his burner in his waist and said, “Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.” Then Laurence Sterne, the 18th century novelist, kicked the snow on boyz when he said, “Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.”

By now most people have seen the 30 For 30 joint about ole dull Maurice Clarett that came on after the Heisman Trophy presentation. The reason that I called that dun dull was because he simply didn’t respect the process, himself, his family nor ole dull Ohio State. Like the old novelist just said, respect for others guides our manners.

Most people watching the joint sided with Clarett saying that the Buckeyes turned their backs on him and literally threw him under the bus even after he helped them win a national championship. Did they turn their backs on him? Sure they did! Did they throw him under the bus and back that joint up over him? Absolutely!

However, did he throw Ohio State into the fire and put them on full blast? You darn freakin’ right he did and that’s the edited version playboy. If we’re gonna talk, then let’s talk turkey! Maurice didn’t respect the process and voluntarily put himself on the streets just like ole boy in "Pursuit of Happyness" did with Will Smith! He chose to be out there bad but it just happened to work out for him.

I know that boyz painted this picture that Clarett got abused by The Ohio State University but he forgot or just didn’t know that when you play ball at one of those joints you are a passenger on the train driven by the money that is the conductor. You can stay on and get where you’re trying to go in a reasonable manner or you can act a fool and get thrown off of the joint. He decided to act a fool, got hemmed up and thrown out of the window while it was still moving.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever 1st! Clarett was living better at Ohio State than he had ever lived in Youngstown. Everything he had was free including the food in town, the gear at the mall, the cars and the women! I'm not even talking about what he got at OSU because he earned all of that because he was working for that. Y'all do know that playing college sports is a full time job? I'm just checkin' before some dun tries to throw the free education line my way.

He’s rockin’ a free car that Tressel hooks him up with and it gets broken into. Instead of this fool calling Tressel first he tries to get over like duns that have never had anything before tend to do. He tells the police that 10 stacks worth of valuables were stolen out of it and here we go. They didn’t tell that on the 30 For 30 playboy. Go pull it up. He put the NCAA’s radar square on his back when he did that and also put Ohio State on full blast.

First of all, he was lyin' just trying to hit a lick when all he had to do was holler at the same freakin’ boosters that have been taking care of him in the first place. But he was using the ghetto mind that bought him some ghetto problems.

Then in multiple interviews he talked about how boyz get paid at Ohio State for essentially being football players. Now that happens at every big time program in America but that’s family business. They suspend him to shut his mouth and he keeps clownin’! They told him to just chill out and let things cool off but he shows up on the side line after he’s already been warned not to. Now he’s playing with boyz careers from the AD down to the assistant coaches and they’ve got families to feed bruh. So they suspend him for the year and basically tell that fool to kick rocks.

Here’s my roof top screamer talking crazy again, “Man all of that money that he made for them and they treated him like that bruh? Are you crazy? That was wrong!” Listen playboy, Ohio State was following the first law of nature, Self-Preservation! They had a fool on their hands that they couldn’t control so it was either them or him. They chose the latter. Clarett put the university on blast so they essentially escorted him out of the front door because he was out of control. They weren’t bout to keep foolin’ with him and that’s the edited version.

Now this dun not only thought that he could challenge the machine that was Ohio State then he turned his eyes to the biggest machine known to man! The NFL! That should have told boyz that he was crazy right there. The rule simply states that a player has to be 3 years removed from high school in order to enter the draft. That word is bond pimpin’! Ain’t no changing that. The NFL is the most powerful sport in the country and some cat from the hood operating on hood terms wasn’t going to change that.

What was so crazy to me was that nobody sees that all of the attorney’s and even Jim Brown himself took advantage of a kid that didn’t know any better. Instead of Clarett taking his ball and just transferring to a division 1AA school like Youngstown State where he could have played immediately because the NCAA rules say that he doesn’t have to sit out a year to be eligible. There, he could have played his last two years and still gotten drafted in the first round like so many cats have done before and still do.

However, cats took advantage of him like Jim Brown who rolled into Ohio State and called the institution some slave masters to their faces. Now was he on point? Sure he was! But here’s the problem bruh, Jim Brown already has his, Clarett was still trying to get his. Think about Jim Brown being at Syracuse in the 1950’s and Malcolm X rolling into the spot on Jim’s behave and blasting the powers that be? Would any of us even know who Jim Brown is today bruh? Not a chance! If there was to be any negotiating for Clarett ole Jim kicked his leg up and urinated on it.

Then the lawyers trying to get this dun eligible for the draft were only looking out for their self-interests because they just wanted the be “That Dude” that changed the ruling on underclassmen. Nobody including Clarett’s mom ever thought about what was best for him. She held the gold freakin’ ticket of influence on how boyz should’ve proceeded and trying to go the NFL should never have been an option. If you’ve been broke this long 2 additional years wouldn’t have made a difference and if he had just fell in line the boosters would have taken care of his momma too. Reggie Bush’s parents were living in a joint worth 800 stacks by the time he left USC.

Here's my roof top screamer, “Yeah, well it cost him his Heisman too!” Naw Reggie Bush was a fool in that one bruh because ain’t no way they would have gotten that joint back from my house playboy! You can tell boyz all day that I didn’t win it but everybody saw me pick that joint up and go to the crib with. So who cares that you don't acknowledge it once a year at the presentation everybody that comes to my house touches it. Are you kidding me?

We’ve seen cats get thrown out of school, transfer and still get drafted high for years. Janoris Jenkins from Florida comes to mind right away. That dun couldn’t stay out of his own way in Gainesville so they removed him. He then went to the University of North Alabama and balled out for a year and got drafted in the 2nd round 39th pick.

If Maurice had just done that A) he would have stayed out of trouble for those two years and B) the clown would have been in shape when he showed up to the combine and still could have been a 1st round pick because boyz already saw him ball at OSU. But he had no respect for the process and had fools around him that wanted to get paid without respecting the process too.

Also during the 30 For 30 this cat kept on saying that he was watching his boy LeBron get paid and how he’d just signed for $115 million with a $20 million signing bonus. Then he would say that he wanted the same thing and it ain’t fair. It was fair all day long playa because you chose the wrong sport. The rules said that LeBron could go straight to the league. Your sport has a different set of rules, so if you wanted to ride with the same rules LeBron was working with you should have been a basketball player. Now hoopers have to wait a year before coming out. The process is the process bruh and if you’re going to live in this world you better learn how to follow and respect it. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!      

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