"Sweaters" Pacers 96 Jazz 86 (The REAL reason the Pacers didn't show any leg in Utah)

"Get off me son! I got this!"
As I was walking into some joint called EnergySolutions Arena in Salt Lake City. I ran into these cats talking about boyz making mistakes. George Benard Shaw said, “Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.” Buddha broke it down like this, “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all of the way and not starting.” Then Oscar Wilde shut the building down with this, “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.”

Experience taught the Indiana Pacers a valuable lesson on Monday night in Portland! Don’t ever wear revealing clothes to the club and let a boy jam you up at the bar like LaMarcus Aldridge did. On Wednesday night they showed up in Utah with a full length sweater, a fur collar with matching hat and some knee high boots not giving boyz anything to work with. For that reason alone they walked out of the joint with a 95-86 win.

When the Pacers left Indy for their 5 game west coast romp. I told all of these cats around here that you gotta wait until she goes through some things before you start shopping for rings playboy. She landed in LA and got out of the joint unscathed. Then she got cocky and didn’t listen to Ya Boy and showed up in Portland with a mini-mini skirt on showing way too much hips and thighs and got caught up.

She finally listened to me and went into the joint in Utah with no agenda other than to take care of business and get out of town with a “W”. On some real, it’s nothing to do in Utah so she couldn’t get into too much trouble anyway. But I still had to give her the disclaimer.

After scoring a career high 43 points against Portland on Monday Paul George struggled to get 19 points on the board. However, this team is full of duns that are always willing to step their game up to keep from getting jammed up at the bar. Lance Stephenson put up 15, Luis Scola added 14 and Big Boy Roy Hibbert closed the deal with 13 points. See she didn’t need crazy offense to diss a cat in Utah. She just needed to play the defense that we already knew she could play. It’s the No.1 defense in the league bruh only giving up 87.6 points per game and holding boyz to 39.5 percent shooting.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The threat of being at the bar and drinking too much was never even an issue because in Utah they’re only serving Ginger Ale and cranberry juice pimpin’. So PG didn’t have to fight as hard as he had to in LA and Portland. However, because he put in so much work in the first two joints on the road trip he ended up battling a cold and just couldn’t get going.

This was the first time that the Pacers have won in Utah since 2005! So big props for that. Now in my JayZ voice, “It’s on to the next,” San Antonio and OKC! Now David West will definitely have to make sure that boyz are keeping their hands in the vehicle on these next two rides. Then they can head home before entertaining Miami on Big Momma's couch.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  


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