Lies & Foolishness (How the Media keeps running game)

"It ain't over 'til its over playboy!"
Vladimir Lenon once said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Winston Churchill gave it to us like this, "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Then my boy John F. Kennedy kicked the door in when he said, "The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."

What blows me away about these media type cats is their ability to lie to folks that hang on their every word. You would think that they would just keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st but I guess I'm the only cat out here on that program.

When the discussion of the BCS National Championship comes up and who will possibly have the opportunity to play in the freakin' game these cats start talking crazy! They start talking about how bad the system is and that the new format will be better. The BCS was put together to merely have No.1 play No.2 and that's what we have.

Keep in mind playboy, this ain't the NFL where there are 32 freakin' teams and the talent level is the same across the board There are 120 teams that play at about 5 different levels of play The MAC isn't competing at the same level as the freakin' Big 10, ACC, SEC, PAC 12 or Big 12! So there no way to have a legitimate system unless you had the FBS drop to 32 teams and have 12 go to the playoffs like the NFL.

But all of the bread on the table from bowls etc won't allow that to happen The president at Purdue isn't going to vote his school off of the island so Alabama and Oregon or Florida State can play for all of the marbles.

In the years before the BCS was instituted we didn't No. 1 vs. No. 2 because the different conferences had bowl contract obligations that wouldn't allow them to play each other. For example, No.1 Alabama would have to play in the Sugar Bowl and No.2 Florida State would have to play in the Orange Bowl. So depending upon what they did in their respective bowl games boyz would "vote" on who won the national title. If they both won there would be a split national championship which was dull.

Since the BCS was formed we've seen No.1 and No.2 play for all of the marbles and pretty much every year they've gotten it right. Now these media cats are trying to get you to believe that this 4 team playoff is gonna be better.

How is it going to be better if it's still subjective bruh? Boyz are still voting on who gets in. And get this, most of the duns doing the voting are affiliated with the active conferences and participating schools. Tell me how fair that's gonna be playboy!

Also instead of having real conversations about the potential BCS match up at the end of the season these media cats muddy the waters on sports radio and TV by talking about all of the undefeated teams and how its gonna be a mess at the end of the season if they all run the table.

 Listening to them going into this weekend they had boyz thinking that Florida State, Miami, Oregon, Ohio State, Baylor, Texas Tech, Mizzou and Alabama were all going to roll up to the club in the unbeaten '64 Impala sittin' on 24's, get into it with some duns and all walk out alive. Both Mizzou (South Carolina) and Texas Tech (OU) got gut punched as soon as they walked into the joint on Saturday.

If you've been keeping up with college football for more than a freakin' year you know boyz are gonna start dropping like flies at this point in the season. But they'll lie to you and tell you that the BCS is gonna be a mess at the end of the season because they're not going to fall.

Then they'll give you all of the foolish reasons why this team or that team should be ahead of the other and so on and so forth.

Instead of just laying out the truth of the matter and informing the duns that don't think for themselves what really has to happen. They create this mess to make the BCS look crazy when it always works itself out anyway.

 They don't tell you that Florida State still has to play Miami, Bama will have to play Mizzou in the SEC Title Game that's if they can get past LSU. There are no givens playa. Then Oregon still has Stanford to play and a Pac 12 title game. Ask Oregon if they remember what happened last year against the dun dressed up in the tree costume. Also Baylor still has to win out in the Big 12. So we aren't even close to talking about boyz running the table.

Every year in week 9, 10, 11 and 12 cats start falling off and in the end there will at most be two duns standing that are undefeated or not. Most of the time you've only got 1! We saw two boyz buckle under the pressure on Saturday but these fools will sit up and lie to you to make you believe that 6 or 7 teams will pull into the gate with unblemished records when the smoke clears. That's call playing you homeboy!

For all of you Boise State fans out there. I'm talking about boyz that are playing in legitimate conferences. Not when you were gutting duns in the WAC playing absolutely nobody and showing up to the bowl games with no injuries and winning. Now that you've moved up to a slightly better conference in the Mountain West you're getting the doors blown off of you on national TV.  Like this past Friday night for example when BYU hit you in the mouth 37-20.

Utah was killing 'em in the MWC and every since they've joined the PAC 12 they've been getting baptized. Playing real football teams week in and week out makes a difference playboy! It's not even possible to finish the season with nobody on the injured reserve list. That's crazy, but Boise State was doing it and these media cats knew it but wouldn't tell the casual fan. They'd just talk about why they should have a shot at the title knowing those duns were skating through just to increase listenership and sell ads space. If you just tell the truth folks would respect you in the morning.  

While I'm talking about boyz lying to you how bout the myth that SEC defenses are so dominate! How in the world does the two worse teams out of the Big 12 join the SEC and become two of the best teams in the freakin' conference within two years. Mizzou and Texas A&M were getting drug in the Big 12 and now Mizzou is sitting on top of the SEC East even with a loss to South Carolina.  Wheredeydodatat? In the SEC!

Why? Because the they brought the spread offense to a conference that primarily ran the football. So those front seven's looked ridiculous every night because all you had to do was stick 7 or 8 in the box. There was no such thing as quarterback play. Now they're getting spread out and boyz are giving up crazy points just like Bob Stoops from Oklahoma has been saying for years when duns criticized the Big 12 for not playing defense.

You're also finally seeing legitimate NFL quarterbacks in the SEC now with Johnny Manziel, A.J. McCarron and Aaron Murray and guess what? Duns are putting up big numbers and crazy points. Before that the only dun in the league was Jason Campbell and he's holding a freakin' clip board playa. Don't scream Ryan Tannehill because he's from Texas A&M from the Big 12!

All I'm saying is, if you're gonna listen to these cats out here at least think for yourself. Why? Because they'll have you believing that the Easter Bunny grew up in the projects car jacking boyz with Father Time and Snow White. And everybody knows that Snow White runs with the Tooth Fairy and the Baby New Year and she lives in the suburbs.

Don't believe everything you hear out in these street bruh! Because the most realistic duns to end up in the national title game is Ohio State because they're the most likely to run the table. They've got a clear path the Michigan game and are flat out better than every team in the conference. But boyz keep trying to playa hate them because of the Big 10 schedule. But none of these same cats hatin' on the Buckeyes (Paul Finebaum and his boyz at ESPN) have even glanced at Alabama's cream puff schedule! For the past two years they've gotten away with murder with that joint. If you don't believe me pull it up pimpin'!

Now is Bama the best team in the country with the best coach in the country? Absolutely! But if you're going to use Ohio State's schedule against them while determining who plays in the title game if they run the table. Then the same criteria applies for Alabama! Stop me when I start lyin' playboy!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn't real but its REAL talk!

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