Talkin' Turkey (LeBron vs. Jordan through 10 seasons)

LeBron: "Hey ESPN just tell boyz the truth!" MJ: "Naw don't do that!"
As Abraham Lincoln pushed his whip around I-465 during rush hour he said to his friend, “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” Then John Adams, riding shotgun, got in ole Abe’s face and said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
For years I’ve been telling boyz that at the same age LeBron is a far better all-round basketball player than Michael Jordan simply because he can do more on the floor than Mike could ever do by age 28! I don’t know what he’s going to do post 28 but up to this point he's far better.
 I’ve given you 14 Hot Joints on LeBron vs. Jordan  with the facts to prove it (pop the link playboy) and the first thing boyz that have been hypnotized by the Jordan Brand say is, “You can’t compare by age! You gotta go with number of years in the league.”
Like I keep telling boyz, if you go by number of years in the league you’re giving Jordan a pass for HAVING to go to college for 3 years and being able to do an internship before going to work professionally. Also if you use number of years in the league Mike will always be 3 years older in every comparison. Maturity in life and the game of basketball counts for everything playa.
If Mike has been playing the game of basketball longer whether in college or the NBA his experiences should be an advantage to him right? Well, this week the duns over at ESPN tried to once again protect the Jordan brand.  They did a 3 minute statistical comparison of the two  players through their first 10 seasons by simply glossing over some numbers that they figured cats wouldn’t pick up on or cross check.
 Listen up pimpin’, I’ve been in sales for the past 23 years and for the past 13 in pharmaceuticals. I analyze data for a living playboy. You can’t just throw something on the table and think that it’s gonna stick just because you’re ESPN.  If I can’t do anything bruh, I can count.
ESPN was waving their left hand trying to distract boyz and hiding joints with their right. They threw out points per game. We all know that Jordan is a better scorer at 31 ppg vs. 28 ppg through 10 seasons. LeBron’s game has never been to score first. He’s always looked to get his teammates involved and he ALWAYS looks to make the right basketball play because he's an unselfish player which is a detriment at times.
 However, they made a point of saying that 6 out of 10 seasons MJ averaged more points than LeBron’s highest. Anybody that knows basketball knows that Jordan was a scorer first and foremost. So that’s like telling me that BeyoncĂ© is fine! Melo is a scorer! That doesn’t tell me that he’s a better player! It only tells me that he's shooting more.
 When you look at Effective Field Goal percentage which means that you get 50% more return on investment when you make a 3-point shot, LeBron is better. They tried to gloss over the fact that LeBron’s EFG was better in 6 out of 10 seasons than Mike and only tell you that LeBron’s best season of 60% was better than MJ’s best season of 54.7%. So with that said, the scoring data is really a wash!
Now, let’s talk turkey playboy! When you look at who was better at playing the game of basketball and their involvement on the floor you have to look at points, rebounds and assists right? Well who was better at doing all of those things? Wilt Chamberlin is 1st all-time at leading his team in all three categories for his ENTIRE career (14 years) at 114 times! LeBron through just 10 seasons has done it 93 times and Jordan only did it 43 times in 10 seasons.
However, ESPN purposely omitted how many times Jordan was able to do it for his entire career. Now if they were able to tell us how many times Wilt did it surely they know how many times Mike did it right?  Obviously it ain’t even close to what LeBron has done through 10 seasons because they would have given that number. Keep in mind that Mike played for 15 years!  If Wilt did it 114 times and LeBron still has at least 7 or 8 more years left in him he’s gonna easily blow that number away by 60 or 70 times based on his history because he’s only going to get smarter as he gets older.
Through 10 seasons Jordan had 6 All-Defensive team selections with 9 for his ENTIRE career. LeBron has 5 through 10 and don’t think for one minute that he won’t surpass Jordan because he only needs 5 more to do that. Keep in mind bruh that Mike is 3 years older at the same time. Because he’s older he’s got more experience playing the game of basketball. So therefore, he makes better decisions on the floor but he’s only got 1 more than LeBron through 10 seasons.
When you look at playoff series wins ESPN tried to pull a fast one on boyz again. They said that both LeBron and Jordan had 18 playoff series wins each through 10 seasons. However, they included the conclusion of Mike’s 10th season while LeBron’s season is still ongoing. These duns forgot or just didn’t know that I’m from the G and you can’t just run game on a gamer. LeBron still has a series to play and he’s tied with Mike now. So “IF” he wins the title this year he’ll win one more series. Now granted he’s gotta win this year to get that extra joint though.  Mike only has 30 playoff series wins for his ENTIRE career.
So you mean to tell me that this young boy isn’t gonna win 8 to 10 more playoff series over the next 7 to 8 seasons?

Finally, they pulled another sham on the way out of the door when they said Mike has 3 rings to LeBron’s 1. Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If the 10th season’s playoffs are still ongoing then Mike only has 2 rings vs. LeBron’s 1 and not 3 playboy! You have to wait until the Finals are over to record Mike’s 3rd title because LeBron still has a chance to win this year.
ESPN! Let me take you to the hood real quick! If you gone tell it! Tell it like Big Momma used to say, “Like it sho nuff T.I.S!"  Stop trying to protect the brand and just give boyz the truth and trust that duns are smart enough to figure it out! Stop me when I start lyin’ playboy!  
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!   

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