"Drunk vs. Drunk-er"

"Man, I wish that I could put the world in reverse bruh!"

Sigmund Freud once said, “Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.” George Washington said, “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God.” My man Ben Franklin shut the building down when he said, “Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough to be honest.”

I think ole Ben must have been talking about all of these clowns that are piling on the Dallas Cowboys right now for allowing Josh Brent to be on the sideline this past Sunday during the Pittsburgh game. Boyz went into an uproar because he was on the sideline with his teammates while he’s out on bond after being charged with intoxication manslaughter for the death of teammate Jerry Brown Jr.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The same fans that were hollering and screaming at this cat for being on the sideline Sunday had been drinking since they got up to go to the game. They were drunk while they were at the game and drove to the crib drunk after the game! Now does it make it right because they drove home drunk and didn't kill anybody or wrong because Josh Brent did and happened to kill his boy? They both put the gun to their heads playing Russian Roulette but it only went off on Brent and his boy. I'm just sayin'!

I’m a sports junkie and I’ve been going to sporting events my entire life. The major difference between a college sporting event and a professional sporting event is that at the pro game it’s legal to sell alcohol. So boyz not only show up drunk from tailgating but they get to keep drinking for 3 quarters of the game. Then they all get in the ride and drive home, drunk. But those same duns have a problem with ole boy being on the sideline?

Now if Jerry Brown’s momma is cool with him being around the team then who are you to tell her how she should feel? You didn’t even know the cat and you’re piling on because you think that it’s the right thing to do. See Jerry’s mom lives in the same world that I live in. She lives in the world of what is and not the world of what should be.

On some real talk, she understands full well that the situation could have been reversed and Brent could have been killed and her baby could have been the one charged with his death. If we’re gonna talk then let’s talk turkey bruh! We can’t just put all of the blame on Brent. Sure, he was drunk and shouldn’t have been driving but his boy was probably drunk too. Normally if two cats are leaving the club, the completely sober cat isn’t going to let the drunk cat drive them both home.  So it comes down to a question of Drunk vs. Drunk-er and who’s gonna drive? They both gambled and lost bruh! It’s just not on Brent and that’s why Jerry's mother was so quick to forgive him. That’s called love and understanding homeboy!

Am I justifying this clown breaking the law and driving while intoxicated? Not at all! However, I’m just explaining to you why his teammates and Jerry's mom realize that the situation could have been reversed and you just can’t throw a boy out to the wolves because he messed up. He’s already facing jail time and the life long guilt of killing his boy and that ain’t going away playa.

 Like I said before, I’m just glad that God is God all by himself and isn’t asking all of these hypocrites out here for advice. You’re drunk but complaining about a fellow drunk being on the sideline and you drove home drunk with a freaking Dallas Cowboy jersey on too. You should have been arrested  for DUI and beaten for impersonating a funny built football player!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. Jay, This was a great one and people really need to read this b/c we all often JUDGE other based on their actions, and ourselves based on our intentions. His mom DEFINITELY realized the roles could have EASILY been reversed and she would be praying Belchers family would show the same Grace!


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