THE Epiphany

"Don't trip young fella! It'll slow down and get much easier! Trust me!"

The famous London playwright Oscar Wilde once wrote, “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Dale Carnegie gave it to us like this, “The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way.” The old jick standing in front of Mr. Willy’s liquor store in the ghetto just kept it real when he said, “Don’t grow up to be like me young brother. I was cool with making mistaking and I’m still making them. You got 42 cents on this drink?”

In order to become great you’ve got to be able to overcome mistakes and learn from them. Andrew Luck learned a valuable lesson in Foxboro on Sunday. He learned that he’s officially playing in the NFL against defensive backs that make a living covering wide receivers. It's their job to make sure that he doesn’t have success throwing into their neighborhood. So you can't throw it around all Willy Nilly because you’re Andrew Luck! This ain't college football bruh it's the NFL!

The Patriots blew the Colts out 59-24 and from the surface you would think that it was a complete carjacking. However, that wasn’t the case at all. The Colts had more 1st downs (28-25), ran more plays(75-60), had more total yards(448-446), only 2 fewer passing yards(329-331), more rushing yards(119-115), less penalties(1-5 to 4-70) and a greater time of possession 32:55 vs. 27:05! The difference was in turnovers, 3 vs. 0!

For a rookie quarterback mistakes like that are expected! However, they are fixable and that game will be the turning point in the career of Andrew Luck! Once this kid understands that he has to respect the skillz of these boyz grazing out here in the secondary he’ll become a great player.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! To go into Foxboro and put up the stats that he did is still impressive. Keep in mind that he’s still trying to get his feet wet and that the game is still moving a 100mph for him. It may not have looked that way through the first 9 games but he’s still a rookie.  Give him time bruh!

In order to become successful you have to experience some setbacks. Every successful person has a story to tell if you’re willing to listen. Nobody just shows up and becomes the man or the woman without failing first. It’s called wisdom for a reason homeboy! How would Luck ever realize that he can’t throw the ball in there without getting it taken away if some cats hadn’t ripped him first and made him look bad on national TV?

How would I have ever known that I NEEDED to put a lock on my gym locker in elementary school until I showed up for gym one day and my joint was swinging in the wind? You’re always forced to have THE epiphany when things go bad! You better believe not only did I put a lock on my joint but I beat the brakes off of the first cat that I thought stole my shoes! So if he didn’t steal them he made sure that whoever did take them got a beat down too and boyz were put on notice. You better believe that my joints showed back up too. Epiphany!!!

So don’t ride Andrew Luck too hard this week! He’s just looking for his sneakers and once he finds them he’ll be ready to role again! Mistakes are a part of development and unfortunately we all get to see his on national television.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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