Twitter Benched

"Man I hope Big Momma gets lost coming to the game today bruh!"
Royce Bradley, my ace, always says, “Life is a thinking man’s game!” The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. broke it down like this, “Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-backed solutions. Nothing pains people more than having to think.” Thomas Edison coined it this way, "5% of people think; 10% of people think they think and the other 85% of people would rather die than think." Big Momma just gave these simple instructions before you left the crib, “Don’t embarrass me out in them streets! You better act like you got parents and I don't visit criminals in jail!”

If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times, “The worse thing that has ever happened to young folks is Twitter and Facebook!” Technology has advanced but the maturity of the folks using it hasn’t. Kids are kids and will always be people that don’t think before they hit send. I know some grown folks that still don't understand that concept either. 

Get this, the 3rd string quarterback at The Ohio State University, Cardale Jones, tweeted this on Friday, “Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain’t come to play SCHOOL classes are POINTLESS.” Who? My point exactly!! This dun is deep in the bench and is questioning the worth of class? Are you kidding me? Y'all already know that his Twitter account has been disabled right?

He should be the poster child for perfect attendance and academic performance. He signed with the Buckeyes in February of 2011 but spent last year at a military prep school to boost, what else, his grades. Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If they need a map to find you on the bench you should be darn near teaching the classes bruh. If they need to check your ID to get into the football facility or check with the coaching staff even if you've got on a uniform on game day to warm up, you NEED to go to class. Not only does he need to go but he needs to sit in the VIP section of that joint!

Now I’ve always gone on record saying that the “One & Done” basketball player doesn't need to waste his time in class. They should take all fall classes pass/fail and then enroll in them in the spring semester and not waste time going to those joints because they’ll get drafted that same spring as I explained in the Hot Joint, "Class? What Class?". I used Kentucky’s Anthony Davis as an example. This argument only applies if you’re that guy or someone in that category. That means we’re only talking about 7-10 people in the world every year!

That type of kid will be a millionaire with a guaranteed 3 year $10 million contract in a matter of months at the very least. However, football players that are at a minimum a 1st round draft pick at least need to go to class for 5 semesters(two full years then the fall semester of their 3rd year) because they have to play  3 seasons before they’re even eligible for the NFL draft. This clown isn’t close to being a starter at Ohio State let alone being a 1st round draft pick and he’s questioning why he should be in class? Does Maurice Clarett or Marcus Dupree ring a bell for starters bruh and they were studs? I could go on but why?

If his old man is anything like mine was. He was on campus Friday night cursing and hollering him up one wall and sliding down the other! Now with the wrong move or fidget right or left, he would have been the victim of an assault real quick and it would have taken more than campus police to subdue my old man. I'm talkin' furniture getting pushed around that joint! For real!

Over and over again these young thunder cats don’t realize that when they put something on Twitter the whole world can see it. It’s not a text message that only goes to your homeboy, it’s worldwide. The old gansta’s lived by the rule of never writing down anything because it has the potential to show up in court. Just adopt that policy and you can't go wrong. Trust me.

If he truly felt that way about class like most kids do at that age. Say it on the way to the complex with the fella’s while you’re talking about how much you hate Urban Meyer and the rest of the coaching staff, especially the strength and conditioning coach. Everybody hates that guy that has ever played sports because he's always the Grinch.

It’s pretty safe to say that if you have never played a down at Ohio State your chances of making it to the league are slim to none and your chances of needing that degree has skyrocketed ten fold. Also your need to avoid your old man and especially Big Momma because she has a tendency of throwing things when she's upset, has significantly gone up too.  Remember to think before you hit send! That goes for grown folks too.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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