"That Dude"

"This dun is reckless right now bruh!"
When you were growing up there was always a kid that would talk trash like he wanted to fight but would never put his book bag down until he got to his front door? He would talk all the way the crib and as soon as his mom answered the door he'd throw his things down, get loud and say, "Come on let's fight right now!" He was notorious for getting into his folk's car and hollering out of the window as they were pulling off. He really didn't want to fight but he only acted like it when there was a crowd or his mom was standing nearby to protect him!

Well…That's Kobe Bryant right now bruh! All of a sudden he has what seems to be an arsenal of talent around him and he’s talking major trash right now. He’s the punk kid that boyz are waiting to catch walking home from school by himself. I know you’ve noticed how he’s been talking way too much here lately and even attacking cats like Smush Parker, who isn’t even in the league anymore and Kwame Brown, who’s playing with the 76’rs at this point.

This dun told reporters earlier this week that Smush Parker was the worst player ever and that the only reason that he was in the NBA at the time was because the Lakers were too cheap in 2005-06 to go get a real point. So they let Smush walk-on. He went on to tell Pro Basketball Talk, “I don’t know how Kwame Brown convinced Philadelphia to cough up $7 million a year. They want to lock us out but they’ll pay him $7 million.” It's cool to really feel that way but it's something called tact and respect that professional people give one another bruh. I would even understand if he was talking trash to LeBron or Kevin Durant but he's picking on the kid in the wheel chair!

Now is this some bitter cat that was cut from the NBA or is it one of the best to ever play the game talking like this? This can’t be a 5-time NBA champion, 2-time NBA Finals MVP, a guy that’s worth more than $200 million talking about some clowns that shouldn’t even be on his mind. That’s what I’m trippin’ on!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! That’s a straight up punk move that would get you tore up in the hood. Just because it’s Kobe boyz are trying to give him a pass. If he was a real G and felt that way about them then why has it taken him 7 years and major distance in zip codes to blast them? Now that he’s got Dwight Howard and Steve Nash he thinks he’s on the porch at the crib and Big Momma is standing there to protect him.

Now is Kobe the real deal? Absolutely! However, he’s forgotten that he’s on the back end of his career. He’s not some young thunder cat anymore. Boyz around the league are listening to this foolishness too and don’t think that Smush and Kwame don’t have boyz that are still in the league too. Hard fouls are harder to take the older you get homeboy! Life ain’t nothing but the streets. Everybody is affiliated to something, someone or both! You can’t just take shots at boyz and not think that life won’t happen to you.  Injuries come get Joe's that are reckless whether they are intentional or unintentional.

I remember when Tupac dropped the “Hit Em Up” joint in June of 1996. I was standing in a record store in G.I.(Gary,In.) and boyz couldn’t believe that he was going at cats like that. When he made the comments about Biggie’s wife I turned to my boy and said, “He won’t last 6 months because he’s reckless! He’s speeding down the expressway doin’ 125mph, drunk, blind folded, driving with no hands and he's bound to hit something!” He was dead in three! You can’t be that reckless out here! Life is real and karma is always looking for something to get into.

Surely, I’m not saying that Kobe will have the same type of consequences as Pac because he’s not out here agitating street cats. My point is,  you can’t be reckless with the way you treat folks and expect that everything will be cool! Big Momma always said, “God don’t like ugly!” Proverbs 18:12 says, "Before destruction the heart of a person is proud, but humility comes before honor." This dun is doing things backwards! He kept his mouth closed and balled out first. Now he's jawing at cats that don't matter. SMH!

These dudes are minding their own business and he should be preparing for the upcoming season not taking shots at boyz that are irrelevant. He's got to keep in mind that he's getting old and it won't be as easy to keep up as before. Don't mess around a get embarrassed out here by one of these young boyz while you got your mouth open. I'm just sayin'!

Like I’ve always said, “The two most selfish human beings in the history of sports are Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. Now that selfishness has helped them to become great finishers and champions but terrible people. If LeBron had made those same comments about his Cleveland teammates for example, Mateen Cleaves, Ricky Davis, Dajuan Wagner or Zydrunas Ilgauskas, the media would be crucifying him right now. Y'all know I'm keepin' it real!

 Put it like this, if you were ridin’ dirty and got pulled over. Who would you rather have in the ride with you, Kobe and Mike or LeBron? Kobe and Mike are going to push everything your way and will be walking to the crib when they’re taking you away. LeBron will be sitting in the back of the paddy wagon with you. That’s REAL talk!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport


  1. You got it right Bruh...I respect Kobe's game but his other antics are low rent.

  2. Kobe is the kind of dude in the hood you'd like to catch alone and issue a personal beat down...his game is to be highly respected but his personality and attitude needs some serious checking.


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