The Royal Flush

"I know I'm outta control but I just can't help myself bruh!"
Warren Buffett once said, “When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results.” The German Playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gave it to us like this, “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” Big Momma always said, “If you let a fool have his way, he’ll destroy himself right before your eyes.”

Well, I’m gonna to sit in the cut and watch Tennessee Titans’ running back Chris Johnson destroy his career right before my eyes. This dun told his head coach Mike Munchak earlier this week that he wasn’t going to play on Thursday night against the Pittsburgh Steelers because he was taking a personal day! You read that right bruh! A personal day!

He’s not flying home because of a family emergency or an illness or anything like that. He’s just taking a personal day on game day. When asked why he was taking the day off he said that his reasons for a personal day aren’t anyone’s business then later admitted that he needs a “mental health day.”

He then went on to say, “I’m spent from running behind my sh***y offensive line. So I’m just going to crash on the couch and watch movies and get some take out.” Hey, at least when folks in the working world need a mental health day they call in faking a cough and sounding sick. This dun just told them he was going to chill out and wasn’t even gonna watch the game. Ain’t that a blip! I’ve never seen anything like it in all of my days.

You know his teammates are done with him, right? He may as well clean out his locker or I bet the trainers have already taken care of that. As crazy as T.O. was he showed up for work. Now he was going to irritate everybody in the building but on game day he was going to ball out. Organizations are getting tired of cats acting a fool on them regardless of their talent. Nobody wants a fool bruh!

 Last year Johnson signed a 4 year extension to his existing contract that’s now worth $53 million with $30 million guaranteed and the personal days were negotiated into the contract.

I’ve got two questions homeboy! Who’s his agent and who was the clown with the Titans that agreed to those terms? They must have been negotiating with Elmer Fudd and Charlie Brown. Are you kidding me? Not only does he have permission to take a personal day. He reminded Munchak that he’s got 3 additional joints that he can take by seasons end. There's only 16 games in the regular season and he can take 4 off if he feels like it? That’s a quarter of the season! Talk about a straight up gangsta move but it was also straight up ignorant!

This dun has simply forgot that he was a 5’11” 191 lb running back that comes a dime a dozen. You can pull up at any campus in America and find a cat his size and get the same production out of him. He’s only got 210 yards on the season and 2.9 yards per carry. Offenses are pass first systems at this point so the running back isn’t as valuable as they once were unless you can block and catch. Homeboy can't see past his nose. Sure, he's got $30 million guaranteed but when that runs out and trust me it will because he doesn't respect it. 

Pulling that stunt just essentially ended his career and if he’s crazy enough to sit at the crib and watch movies on game day all while throwing his teammates under the bus he has the capacity to do anything. That was career suicide.  An old timer in the barber shop once told me that the way you do anything is the way you do everything. You can’t separate foolishness from foolishness. That $30 million will be floating in the air as quick as they cut the checks. He may as well be standing over the toilet when they come in because flushing it might be easier and less painful!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. You know how I feel.. during the preseason, i thought, this dude had a chance to gain 1,500 total yards, then the center was lost for the year.. So, I thought... things would be a bit tougher for him. I never imagined CJ would be this crazy. He's like Vince Young. Once you taste failure, your mind ain't right. I worry Cam Newton will end up the same way. Crazy what money and success can do to folks. awesome write up! Not everyone has the mental toughness of AD!! Boomer Sooner!! Your boy.. brady..


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