Charge Card

"Man you already know they're gonna turn their backs on us!"
The old playa’s in the barber shop always said, “Never put stock into folks that love you when you’re on top because they’re the same folks that will turn their backs on you when your game falls off. When your ridin’ good everybody knows your name and all the women want to be in the passenger seat but when you down grade to the bucket you can’t get boyz walking down the street to ride with you.”

Like I’ve been saying for years, “Georgia is Mark Richt’s Georgia!” They’re an excellent football team that always has a tendency of losing ball games that they shouldn’t lose. Add the beat down in Columbia on Saturday to the list. While I’m at it I may as well put my Sooners and Florida State into that category of “Dullness” too.  Well, over the weekend both Georgia and Florida State did what most folks expected them to do at some point, lose a dull ball game! Let me remind you that I had the Seminoles in the title game this year. So dull! The Sooners did it a couple of weeks ago at the crib against Kansas State.  However, true fans ride with their team no matter what!

The sad part about the Georgia loss is that their fans turned on them after the game. When quarterback Aaron Murray and linebacker Christian Robinson got to the crib on Saturday night their house had been egged and rolled. Robinson posted on his Twitter account,”Came to a home that was egged and rolled. Seems that people turn on you when you’re not perfect. Thought we were in this together.” Not a chance homeboy!

Robinson must not have been paying attention to Big Momma when she said, “Baby, all of them folks actin’ like ya friends ain’t ya friends! Don’t get ya feelin’s hurt.”  Don’t put stock into folks that only know you because of your success. I know they were patting you on the back on the way to class and wanting your autograph last week but in my Puffy voice (that’s before he became P.Diddy), “It’s real in the field! Take that! Take that!”  People don’t care about you bruh! You only have a small group of cats that are willing to ride with you no matter what. If you don’t believe me when I say that nobody cares. Pull your car out on the expressway today, pop the hood and see how long it takes for someone to pull over to help you. Nobody Cares!

That’s why the next time a boy gives you props for being on top or some woman tells you how fine you are because your game is tight, ignore it. Only believe the folks that would ride with you if you were to pull up in a Dodge Stratus instead of the Bentley. Winning always brings out the worst in folks because they even think that they love you until you lose. Where I'm from they call that being fake, plastic or just being straight up charge card!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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