Clown Shoes

"Look everybody I got my hair line fixed! Do you approve of me now?"
The best selling author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bit of you.” I’ve been saying for years that if 50% of the people in the room ain’t hatin’ on you. Then you need to step your game up bruh! The more successful you become the more people are going to talk about you. I didn’t make the rules I just live by them.

Y’all already know that LeBron is my guy! I’ve been ridin’ with him since the day when boyz started hatin’ on him because he hadn’t won a championship etc. Fans have always found something to criticize him about and his hair line has been no exception. Now Ima keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! My only problem with LeBron is that he cares too much about what folks think about him.

This dun has allowed the pressure to get to him with boyz talking about his hair line so much that he was wearing that stupid head band to cover the joint up on the court and now he’s gone out and gotten hair implants. You know you can't satisfy a hater! They're going to talk about him even more now that he's got the implants. Haters hate out of jealousy not convenience!

Let's be honest since we're all family bruh! Anybody pushing 30 is changing or has changed physically! Either your hair is thinning, your butt is getting bigger, that six pack is turning into a two liter, your bra just got bigger or all the above! However, the question is, is your game getting tighter or are you just sitting around hatin' on boyz because you've got nothing else to do.

 C’mon LeBron! You’re the best basketball player on the planet and if you keep playing this game at the same level you’ll become the greatest player in the history of the game and you’re worried some clown that wants to be YOU talking about your hair line?

All of these Joe’s out here with jokes want to be you, wanna ride with you, wanna live like you and wanna hoop like you. That’s real talk! Life has taught me one thing! Boyz that ain’t thinking about you ain’t talking about you. At some point you gotta let these cats know how you REALLY feel!

It’s OK to tell these clowns to kick rocks because you’re the best player on the planet, got more bread than you can count and that they better hide their girl when you’re in town, especially if she's the money hungry groupie type! I just want ole boy to stand up for himself. Yeah, I know he’s being humble but that don’t always back boyz up off of you.

Remember last year at the end of the season when Russell Westbrook just tackled him in mid-air when he was going up for a dunk and he just got up and went to the free throw line without saying a word? People treat you like that when they know you’re not going to do anything. It’s like the nerd kid at school that gets kicked in the pants all the way down the hall only to get his lunch knocked out of his hands before he sits down.

If he had just fired on the first person with their foot in the air he’d be eating lunch right now and boyz would be bringing him juice. He didn't have to fight everybody. He just needed to hit the most visible cat. Then everybody else keeps it movin' because they don't wanna fight they just wanted to have fun! However, it's not fun going to class having to read with one eye.  LeBron, it’s OK to be Charles Barkley or Shaq sometimes and unload on a boy. It’s completely OK to give out a bobble head or two from time to time to remind these boyz who you are and where you grew up. I'm cool with you puttin' some of these fans in their place too. Just remind them of who they are! I'm cool with that. Sometimes a dose of reality is good. 

 Now if you just wanted to get the hair implants then it is what is! But don’t let these jealous cats that want to be you dictate your next move. Because I'll guarantee that if they could trade places with you and your hair line for all of your talent, fame and bread they would look like Bozo in a heart beat and be willing to put on the clown shoes too! Stop me when I start lyin' bruh!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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