It Ain't My Fault

"Hey look here bruh, I can only see 2 maybe 3 cats at a time. Slow it down!"
In 1998 the worst rapper known to man, Silk The Shocker, released “It Ain’t My Fault” featuring one of the hottest rappers at the time Mystikal. Quite frankly, it should have been Mystikal’s joint because he carried that record just like Twista did on “Po Pimp” by Do or Die. It works the same way in the sports world too. How many times have we seen Kobe or LeBron just put boyz on their backs and take them where ever the bus was going?

Unfortunately, in the NFL the referees don’t have the capacity to do the same. They're just part of the cog that makes the wheel go round but it doesn’t stop the joint from moving. As I explained in the Hot Joint, "Who's Playin' Who?" the refs are only playing themselves because people are still going to the games and watching them on television even if they are frustrated.

Now everybody is upset with the replacements but it isn’t their fault that they can’t keep up with the game. They aren’t NFL officials! These duns were officiating Division 2 and 3 games last year. Some of them were even working Arena and Lingerie league games. Now all of a sudden they're national TV working the biggest sport in the country and you're expecting them to be NFL ready?

That’s like taking Lil’ Elbow and Spotta Man off of fries at McDonald’s on the low end and telling them to go fill in for the president of the company in a major negotiation. Then everybody gets upset with them for approving condoms for the bathrooms and penny beers for the menu. What do you expect bruh?

Have you really looked at these Joe’s? I mean the real refs run up and down the field all buffed with amazing confidence. The replacement cat is either really skinny or extremely bad built. I haven’t seen a guy yet with a uniform that fits. Have you ever paid attention to the ushers at the games showing you where your seats are? Well those guys uniforms never fit because some clown is throwing jackets at them when they show up for work. So it’s either too big where only the guys fingertips are showing or the jacket is too small where you don’t know whether to shake his hand or take his blood pressure. That’s what the replacements look like homeboy!

Now how do you think a cat is going to get the call right if the stripes on his shirt are making him sick because they keep moving? C’mon man! You gotta put the blame on the clowns sitting at the crib trying to force the NFL’s hand. How do you have the audacity to ask for more bread and a pension when you’re already making $8 grand a week on a part time hustle? Most of these guys already have big time jobs during the week with full benefits.

The most recognizable ref in the league because of his guns, Ed Hochuli, is a big time lawyer that's worth more than $5 million that makes more than $150K per year. Now duns like this want the NFL to pay him a pension for his part time hustle when they don’t even pay full time employee’s a pension. Most companies have gotten rid of pension programs altogether because they’ve done nothing but bankrupt industries. That’s why GM needed a bail out! They were paying too many folks a pension and couldn't sell cars fast enough to keep up with the pension demands. Why, because people are living longer. It’s simple math!!!

If the league gives these duns a pension they would have to give all employees a pension and long term that’s not good business. So the dull replacements it is. The longer these guys officiate games the more experience they’ll get and the better they’ll get and the NFL can pay them less money. Unfortunately, the change is hard to watch but I'm not mad at the NFL for letting the real refs sit at the crib! Take your fan hat off for a minute and look at it for what it is bruh! How can you get mad at a boy for being pushed into the fire and burning up. That’s like being mad at a kid that doesn’t know how to swim for drowning after some moron pushes him into the pool. The problem here is not the Dull Replacements, it's the greed on the part of the NFL Refs. I say let them sit and let Lil' Elbow and Spotta Man keep calling the games because it's great TV!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport  

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