"The 2nd Golden Rule!"

"You just can't score with the other teams ball and lie about it!"
During this process of raising my children I've adopted several catch phrases that I constantly repeat to them that I hope they will retain for the rest of their lives. One of my favorite contain six simple yet powerful words. These six words, I'm always telling them, can change your life, career and all of your relationships immediately. They are, "Do What You're Supposed To Do!" 

Somewhere along the line during Bobby Petrino's life he never absorbed that lesson. I know that he's heard something similar to it because he's a football coach. Football is the ultimate team sport bruh! It's the one sport that is dependent upon everyone doing their job at all times at the same time in order for the team to win on each play. 

On Tuesday the University of Arkansas fired Bobby Petrino as their head football coach for not doing what he was supposed to do! He was essentially fired for unfairly hiring his mistress and intentionally misleading his boss about everything from their relationship to her presence at the motorcycle accident on this past weekend.  

As a child what did you always hear when it was time to man up? If you tell the truth you won't get in trouble but if you lie it's gonna be worse. Big Momma's and Fat Daddy's in every hood in America whether you grew up in the projects, in a trailer park or in the suburbs, have been preaching that joint religiously since the beginning of time. So I know ole Bobby has been on the short end of that joint on multiple occasions during the course of his lifetime as much as he lies bruh. This cat is unbelievable! 

I told you in my article entitled "Thriller" at the beginning of the week that this situation would get worse before it got better, didn't I? So here we go! I can hear Michael Jackson bumpin' in the background and I know you can too. According to Arkansas Athletics Director Jeff Long in his press conference on Tuesday Bobby ran game on everybody!

 "He made the decision, a conscious decision, to mislead the public on Tuesday, and in doing so negatively and adversely affected the reputation of the University of Arkansas and our football program," Long said, choking up at one point as he discussed telling players that their coach was gone. "In short, coach Petrino engaged in a pattern of misleading and manipulative behavior designed to deceive me and members of the athletic staff, both before and after the motorcycle accident."

Like the old folks used to say, I just wanted to be fly on the wall at the Petrino home when he walked in last night! Not only did he embarrass his family but he lost his job in the process. Boy, that's worse than when the ole timers would gamble their entire check away at the pool hall when they knew Big Momma had been waiting to buy groceries all day. You talk about a getting cursed out and shoes being airborne, bruh!

He's just lucky that his wife isn't a sista because she would have been on the news last night for assault with a deadly pump. OK, let's keep it real! She probably already knew that he was dirty but now he's cut off the family income? Bruh, he was making more than $3 million dollars a year in Arkansas and his contract still owed him $18 million. The fact that he was fired with cause nullifies the remainder of that balance babyboy. 

Now you know if that was a sista she would have been at the crib with all of her girlfriends waiting on him bruh! $18 million for some young 25 year old chick? Hey, they would have been out front keying the ride and everything! You know that a few of the wife's girls would have been sitting out front of the mistress' crib waiting on her too. It would have been ugly! I'm just saying that the sale of vaseline would have been up in Fayettville yesterday because sista's can't fight without it!  So for that, Bobby got lucky his wife didn't grow up where I did. 

 Well the good in all of this is that a friend of mine, Tavor Johnson, is now the interim head coach. One man's trash is a another man's treasure. Tavor was coaching defensive backs at Ohio State this time last year. Now he's the guy in charge at Arkansas because Petrino took it all for granted! Ain't God good! Well...Petrino's got to figure out the lesson in all of this first. However, God's still good even when you're in some foolishness by your own doing. 

I'll go to my grave saying it, "Do What You're Supposed To Do!" As a matter of fact, you can put it on my tomb stone because I've found that living by those six words makes life so much easier. 

Holla At Ya Boy!

Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. The dude thought he was golden and couldn't be touched...well he found out. He may get another job because someone will take a chance due to his football record but his personal life is and will be a total mess-his legal old lady will see to that.


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