
"This guy is unbelievable!"
When you think of the state of Texas the first thing that comes to mind is football. Well...heat! Then football. It's a shame that the good people of Dallas keep getting robbed of it's passion to see good football. Owner Jerry Jones is like the Grinch that stole football in Texas. Let’s face it, there are more Cowboy fans in that state than Texans fans!

In 1989, he purchased the Cowboys from H.R. "Bum" Bright for $140 million. Shortly after Jones purchased the team he pulled his first power move by firing long time head coach Tom Landry, to that point the only coach in the team's history. He then hired his old teammate from the University of Arkansas and former University of Miami head coach, Jimmy Johnson. If that wasn't enough he forced out longtime general manager Tex Schramm, and assumed complete control over all football operations. This freaking guy is the owner, president and general manager! Wheredeydodatat?

After bringing in Jimmy Johnson the Cowboys won back to back Super Bowls in 1992 and 1993 but the following year in 1994 Jerry fires his boy! How does a guy get fired for winning back to back Super Bowls? Well, I guess it's easy to lose your job when you’re working for a guy that wants all of the credit! If someone else gets the praise for winning then he’s got to go! Wheredeydodatat?

Put your seat belts on folks! He then brings in former University of Oklahoma coaching legend Barry Switzer. Within a year in 1995 the Cowboys win yet another Super Bowl but good ole Jerry got jealous of the attention that his head coach was getting so he fired Barry too! Wheredeydodatat?

The organization has been in a tail spin every since. You can't have success in the NFL by trying to wear all of the hats because you'll be a jack of all trades and a master of none. The sad part about it is that Dallas has got unbelievably loyal fans. Texans are born to love football. Trust me I know! I'm one of them. I was born in west Texas where football is king. You learn how to hold a football on the 3rd day bruh! It’s in the owners manual that you get at the hospital.

People eat, sleep and drink this game but Jerry is the Old Wizard in the Land of Oz pulling all the strings and those poor fans just keep giving him their money year after year. He's not going anywhere so in my opinion the fans need to force his hand by boycotting the games until he hires a president and a general manager that are experts at doing those jobs.

Listen to this guy: "The facts are that I've spent 22 years doing this exactly the same way," Jones said Tuesday on KRLD-FM. "I've made a lot of changes from year to year as time goes along, but frankly, I know that when we do not have the kind of success, when we don't have expectations lived up to, the one that should get the most heat is the one that ultimately makes the decisions, period, with the Dallas Cowboys. And that's me."

What he's essentially saying is that he's willing to sacrifice the success of the team so that he can take credit for the success of the team! What? He only wants them to win if he's completely in control! Wheredeydodatat?

He's the owner for crying out loud! If the team wins he'll get the credit for hiring the right people to do the jobs necessary for the team to have success. Its mind blowing that he continues to pull all of the strings while crashing the Maybach into the guard rail on I-35 in dry conditions and in absolutely no traffic.

Why are the fans continuing to let this guy get behind the wheel? If your kid totaled your 1989 Ford Tempo because he was driving drunk and texting at the same time, would you go out and buy him his own Range Rover? So why do fans keep supporting this guy if he's adamant about not changing the way he handles the team? Wheredeydodatat?

At least the Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay recognized the power trip that his Vice Chairman, Bill Polian, was on and finally got rid of him on Monday! Check this out! Polian has had his own weekly TV show for years while the head coach has never had one! Wheredeydodatat?

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Hit me up on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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1 comment:

  1. Perry Colston
    The cowboys won't win any championships with Jason Garret as the head coach, and with Jerry Jones trying to be the general manager and player personnel man. Jerry Wants all the control. He wants to run everything and he wants a coach that is a yes sir man. They have more problems then Tony Romo. No offensive line, which leads to no running game. No defensive backs which leads to long passes and no... tackling on the back end. I have always been a Cowboy fan living in Houston and being from From Nacogdoches Texas. The Cowboys are the Notre Dame of The NFL. It pains me to say this but they are all hype and no substance. I want to believe in Tony Romo, but I feel he is not a Super Bowl quarterback either.Jerry Jones needs to give up some power and Hire good football people. He can always fire them if they don't perform. He needs to fire himself from the General manager and player personnel job! This is my take! A long time and loyal cowboy fan. P.C. keeping it real!


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