The Bubble Man!

"Ain't this some #%*!"
Usually the ole timers give the best advice because they've got all of the experience. The intellectuals would call that type of experience clinical, Big Momma calls it wisdom. When bad things happen it only looks bad on the surface because they normally happen to build character and to positively change your life. Don't look at the glass as being half empty look at it as being half full. Always try to find the good in every bad situation.

That's what I was saying about the Indianapolis Colts even before the season started. When Peyton Manning had neck surgery back in May I knew that they would be terrible this year. If the brain wasn't on the field the team wouldn't win more than 3 games. Well, I gave them too much credit because they only managed to win 2. They finished with a 2-14 record and the fans around here are sick about it. However, I'm looking at the glass as being half full of the finest cognac money can buy because that record just qualified them to have the first pick in the 2012 NFL Draft. Congratulations on winning the Andrew Luck Sweepstakes. The bad wasn’t so bad after all because Peyton’s career was on it’s last leg anyway.

Now the Colts must decide whether to pay Peyton Manning a $28 million bonus, let him become a free agent or work out a new deal with him. Jim Irsay, the Colts owner, has said that if Manning recovers from neck issues, he will be back in Indy, no matter the cost.

My man is saying all the right things now but dude, you've got to take Luck with the first pick and trade Peyton. For crying out loud, he's one missed assignment away from becoming a $28 million dollar hood ornament bruh! I say put some bubble wrap on him and prop him up in a corner until you figure out a plan for his departure. It doesn't make sense to take Luck with the first pick and pay Peyton all of that jack when the defense is terrible. Will the Colts win right away with Luck? Absolutely not. However, you're building for the future with a youngster instead of holding on to the past with Peyton. Take your lumps now and put that bread on the other side of the ball.

You've got to work out a deal with Peyton and then trade him while he's still worth something to you. If you put him on the field next year and he gets hurt you can't trade him because everybody else would know he's worthless too. Then you would be essentially paying $28 million for an offensive coordinator to step on the toes of the actual offensive coordinator. That's the chance that you're taking by trying to be loyal to him. Loyalty in business is overrated. As a matter of fact, it's an oxymoron. It just doesn't exist!

The Colts don't owe Peyton a thing. They've paid him well over his 14 seasons in the Circle City. In my opinion, he owes them the $18 million that they paid him this year after he pulled a street corner hustle on the fans by not being upfront about the neck injury in the first place.

I'd have the U-Haul at his crib right now with a bunch of Umpa Lumpa's singing riddles in the driveway. That's right Peyton, you've got the Golden Ticket and we're here to move you out of town. The organization can rebuild the defense with what it's going to cost to keep him. Do you know how many groceries you can buy with $28 million bruh?

In a recent interview he even sounds worried that he's even got the Golden Ticket. "Like I said all along, the Colts are going to do what they have to do," Manning said. "The draft is something the personnel department will address. They'll deal with that as they see fit. As far as can I coexist with anybody? I think I can coexist with any player I've ever played with. I think I've always been a good teammate in that way. To speculate on how we're going to draft, that's more for other people to do, not the players. I can play with anybody. It's all going to shake out."

Yeah dawg you could coexist with other players because nobody was sitting in your chair at dinner time. Now that some young boy is coming to town with your dinner reservations can you handle it? I doubt it! It's like trying to be cool with the guy that took your girl and spent your money in the process! Nobody can take that standing up!

I think Peyton should ride off into the sunset and retire before this situation gets ugly. He’s accomplished way too much to be fighting in the parking lot over a girl that can never love him anyway. She’s only going to be loyal to the one that is relevant right now. She doesn't care what number he wears as long as she can pop bottles and sit in the VIP section.

If he doesn’t wise up and retire the Colts don’t have a choice in the matter. They’ll have to trade him. Otherwise, we’ll see a future Hall of Famer humiliated and who wants to see that? All-time greats have been traded before. Remember when Joe Montana ended up with the Kanas City Chiefs? It was the best thing for him but it was terrible to watch. Do the right thing Peyton and let the girl go before the Umpa Lumpa's have to tear up your crib!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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