The "It" Factor!

"Baby Tim Tebow before he became the winner that he is today!"

Tim Tebow can't play quarterback in the National Football League if he can't throw the football! It'll never work! You can't run the option in the NFL! Defenses are too fast and good to run the ball all night against! It'll only work for a week or two and then defenses will figure him out! Bla Bla's starting to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher or better yet just some good old fashion hatin'!

All I keep hearing is the so-called experts saying that it can't happen but it keeps on happening! It doesn't matter what it looks like as long as it gets the job done! Tim Tebow's 20-yard touchdown run with 58 seconds left capped a 95-yard drive to elevate the Broncos to a 17-13 victory over the stunned New York Jets on Thursday night.

"I like winning," Tebow said after his third comeback in a month, "but I wish it wasn't this stressful."

"We played them well through the whole game, until that last play," Jets star cornerback Darrelle Revis said. "We played them well. Tim Tebow's legs took them to victory, ran them to victory."

In my Herman Edwards voice, "YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME, HELLO!" Tebow has the "It" factor and there's nothing you can do about it. He just goes out every night and plays the game the way he knows how to play it. His passion is contagious and his teammates keep catching it. You can't teach what this kid has. You have to be born again. He's a winner and that’s all there is to it. While at Florida he won two national titles and a Heisman. They weren’t just giving those joints away like government cheese!

Neither Head Coach John Fox nor the Executive VP of Football Operations for the Denver Bronco's John Elway believed in him. It's almost impossible for a kid to find success when his own organization doesn't believe in his ability to lead the team to victory. However, Tebow understands that the Almighty God has the last word on everything. He says it best in Romans 8:31, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Tebow's faith (IT) is strong and God takes care of his own! It doesn't matter if he can't throw the ball the way everybody thinks that he should. After completing just two passes in a win at Kansas City four days earlier, Tebow completed 9 of 20 passes for 104 yards Thursday night that results in another "W". If he keeps collecting W’s he can start saying “whew, whew, whew” like hilarious Martin Lawrence!

When he took over as the starter the Bronco's were 1-4. They're now 5-5 and rolling with Tebow! Like we used to say in the hood, don't hate celebrate! What blows me away are the guys that keep saying that you can't build your team around this guy. You can't run an offense that only Tebow can run. Well...the Colts got away with it for 14 years with Peyton Manning.

It's obvious that he's the only one that can run that offense now. Every move from free agency to draft picks for the past 8 or 9 years was made to accommodate Peyton's brain. Now that the brain isn't on the field it doesn't work. However, they got multiple 12 win seasons, two Super Bowl appearances and one title out of it. Now I'm not saying that Tebow will be as successful as Manning but I am saying that offenses have been built around one persons unique talents in the past.

The only problem with the Colts was that they didn't have a contingency plan. If the Bronco's are smart enough to have a plan B then keep ridin' the horse until it pulls up bruh! I keep hearing people saying that they should go back to Kyle Orton because he can throw the ball better. Listen up knuckle heads, they were 1-4 fooling around with him. That makes as much sense as walking to work when you've got a new fuel efficient hybrid in the garage.

Like the old grandma's in the hood would say, "Tebow, go on wit yo bad self!" Tebow, tell the media what they can do like the ghetto girls would always say, "You can kick rocks!" Better yet, stay humble, keep doing what you're doing and keep giving God the Glory!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Information from the Associated Press was used in this article.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic report, and You're right...some people are just hating because Tebow rep his Lord Jesus Christ. Great report JG!!! All I have to say is Gator Nation Baby. RLB


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