Playa's Ball!

"Everybody doesn't grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth!"
Growing up in the hood exposes a kid to endless temptations. There are all kinds of guys milling about with bad intentions that have the potential to hurt you down the line. One of the biggest challenges of growing up in the ghetto is to stay out of the street gangs. How many times did the GD Folks, Vice Lords or whatever gang is relevant show up on the door step to recruit only to be chased away by big momma or daddy with the pistol? If you want to keep trouble away from your house you've got be willing to defend it and not be willing get in bed with it.

It works the same way on college campuses. When the rich alumni or shady boosters show up the administration has got to be willing to chase them away. Like your own children, the athletes are easily influenced and can be taken advantage of. It's not as easy as saying, "well the players need to learn to say no", like naive sports radio guy, Colin Cowherd, always says.

I heard him say, “if a guy would've walked up to me and offered me money I wouldn't have taken it because it’s against the rules. Well Colin, that's because your folks and so many other closed minded individuals like yourself had parents that could send you money or better yet deposit it directly into your account when you needed it or you could’ve gotten a job. Scholarship athletes can’t work during the school year according to the rules bruh!

When you’re dealing with kids that are from impoverished backgrounds a scholarship is great for their educational needs but it doesn’t take care of their personal needs. The scholarship only pays room/board, tuition and books! Colin will say, “that’s all that they need.” That’s a very intelligent answer!

Toiletries, underwear, clothes or spending money isn’t included. There is no money for buying a snack between classes, going out after the game on Saturday or money to do laundry either. When all of the other students are buying pizza on the weekends the scholarship doesn’t cover that. I forgot that the kid has gained 30 lbs since his freshman year because of the outstanding strength and conditioning program. Where is the money to go to the mall to get new clothes? It doesn’t exist bruh.

Everybody wants to pile on the players when the university has gotten into bed with the gangsta’s instead of pulling out the pistol and running them off. Shapiro and guys like him were not only giving players money and gifts but the school got paid too. How did the guy get sideline passes? He surely didn‘t get them from the athletes!

What kills me is when a kid gets recruited and the system is put in place for him to get the extra benefits. Everything is all good until he gets caught. Then the university runs to the other side of the fence and points at him with the rest of the crowd leaving him out to dry like Ohio State did with Terrelle Pryor.

That’s like my parents allowing me to join the gang while accepting the dope money but when I get arrested, they act like I climbed out of the window against their wishes.

So when guys like Nevin Shapiro show up throwing money around what kid from the Pork & Beans Projects or hoods like it is going to tell him no I can’t take it because it’s against the rules. Especially when they see the university taking the same guys money and their selling jersey’s in the bookstore. The athletes looks at it like “Who’s Pimpin’ Who?

Everybody is getting paid but the real playa’s in the game. The school’s making several million every Saturday on ticket sells alone. Not to mention the several million on parking, concessions and the TV contracts. The BCS Bowl pays $17 million just for the an invite. Meanwhile, the athlete that’s making the monster breathe can’t buy clothes or a pizza on his own. You can quote the rule book all day long to those kids but it won‘t make sense because they‘re looking at the accident from a different vantage point. In their minds they haven't stolen it, carjacked or broken into anyone's house for the money, some guy just gave it to them because he was a groupie!

Speaking of rules! I'm blown away by the amount of people that love to condemn the athletes caught up in scandals like the Miami or Ohio State situations. I hear them say, “if it wrong it's wrong”, but none of them called the police and had themselves arrested for reckless driving this morning for driving 20mph over the speed limit on their way to work. Nor did they tell their bosses that they took an extra 15 minutes for lunch the other day. How many the personal web sites did they surf while they were supposed to be working on that big project at work last week. The rules are the rules right?

If schools want to keep the shady boosters from getting to their athletes go out on the porch with your pistol. Anyone caught speaking to players on or off the yard will be arrested and prosecuted for tampering. That’ll be the day! Because the schools are shady and want the money more than the athletes.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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