Jealousy Reeks

Cam Newton will probably be the 1st pick in the draft on Thursday.
The NFL draft is only two days away and we're still seeing jealous media and fans spitting hate towards Heisman Trophy winner Cam Newton. NFL Weekly published an article a few weeks ago claiming that Newton wasn't genuine and had a fake smile. The article went on to say the he always knew where the camera's were etc. Why wouldn't he know where they were he's a star and that's what stars do? He's getting ready for Madison Avenue and they're hatin'.
 Whatever he says or wears is being scrutinized to the tenth power. Now a fan who has started a site called "Cam Newton Lie Detector" is offering $1 million to Cam if he can pass a lie detector test by honestly answering “no” to these four questions:

1. Prior to signing with Auburn, were you aware your father was “shopping” you to Mississippi State or any other school?
2. Did you tell Dan or Meghan Mullen that you signed with Auburn because of the money because you truly believed Auburn had paid for your commitment?
3. Did anyone on the Auburn coaching staff/athletic department instruct you how to answer questions from the NCAA by lying or avoiding the truth?
4. Did you or your family ever receive any impermissible benefits from Auburn?

It amazes me that someone would stoop that low to insult this kid. The NCAA and even the FBI conducted a full investigation to uncover the truth in the recruitment of Cam Newton and found him to be clean and people still won't let it go. Jealousy is a strong emotion that gets the best of folks and we're seeing it in full affect here.

 I wrote an article last year entitled "Shake Them Hata's Off" that explains how plausible it really is for this kid to have been clueless of what his dad was doing. Here is a excerpt:

 "I can hear them saying now, “He’s guilty because his dad has been found guilty during the investigation. He had to have known what his dad was doing.” It’s completely plausible that Cam didn’t know what his dad was up to. He’s a kid and as a child he clearly may not have known about the conversations that occurred on his behalf. We didn’t always know what our parents were doing and we didn’t ask either.

 I can say that in African-American homes a kid wouldn’t dare question his parents behavior whether it was right or wrong. Cam has said on many occasions that his father was making the decision as to where he would play. He thought that he was going to Mississippi State and at the last minute it became Auburn. As a child in that situation he didn’t ask any questions."

How many times has your father been involved in something that you didn't know the details of? I can guarantee that if his dad received the $180,000 in question, Cam didn't get any of if. That was a deal that his "old man" cut for himself. I don't doubt that it happened because it happens everyday in college football and basketball.

Whatever school this knuckle head that's trying to give away this million dollars follows is just as guilty, that's if they're any good. So offer your players the lie detector test because they will probably need the money. I can assure you that Cam doesn't need it or want it because he's about to pick up about 60 of those guaranteed. If you're that naive to believe that this isn't a common occurrence in big time college football and basketball. I've got some swamp land full of talking jelly fish in Nevada to sell you.

Those are the dumb things fans and media do though. I saw a guy at the Pacers/Bulls game the other night with a sign that read "I took my S.A.T.'s" directed at Derrick Rose because of the allegations that someone else took the test for him to get into Memphis a few years back. Let's say that did happen because it happens all of the time. Rose had of intention on going to college or class for that matter because he was a "one and done".
 He shouldn't have been forced to go to college in the first place. I just wrote an article entitled "Class Dismissed for One & Dones' " that explains why they shouldn't be in school in the first place.  Fast forward three years and this fan that took his S.A.T.'s just bought a ticket to see Rose play after spending the evening making a dumb sign that makes him look even dumber and by the way, he had to go to work the next morning. Who's the genius here?

Sometimes people need to check themselves. Why waste time hating on things that you can't control and try to accomplish something worthwhile. It's sports and unless you're some type of addicted gambler why would you care if the kid passes a lie detector test, an S.A.T. or not?  I wish both of these kids the best of luck!

If you like it, share it! Holla At Ya Boy!!

Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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