Judgement Day!

"Today is the day"
 My Pregame Locker Room Speech:

Well  fellas.... It's finally here! This is the day that we've dreamed about our entire lives.
We both knew that it was coming, but who is the most prepared for it.
This is the day that separates the authentic from the replica's.
It divides those that only talk about being great from those that truly understand what it takes to become great.

Have we done enough, to this point, to accomplish our goal?
Have we searched our souls and dug deep into our being to pull out what talents God has already given us.?
Or have we just relied on what was at the surface, to sustain us?

Steelers vs Packers
Have we pushed past the point where most people would give up or are we satisfied with being like most people?
Today will ask us... Are you ready for me? Have you prepared for me or do you fear me?
How will you answer today? Will you boldly say...I have not only waited on you but I have prepared myself to stand before you and show myself worthy of you.

At the end of this day you will be known to all of the world, but what will you be known for?
Will it speak of you in high regard or will it ignore you because you weren't of any significance?  What will your legacy be? There are only two ways to be remembered, winners or losers.

Which will they use to describe to you?
Will you win today and forever be known as a Champion?
 Or will you fall short of your goal and remain insignificant?

-Jay Graves-

The JayGraves Report Official Pick:
 Super Bowl XLV
Steelers vs Packers

This should be a great ball game with two excellent defenses. I believe that the X-factor in today's game with be Charles Woodson. I've been saying all season that Woodson off of the edge is unstoppable because of his athleticism. Aaron Rodgers has played better than any QB in the league down the stretch. Troy Palamalu is a beast and I would like to see the Steelers win but I don't pick with my heart.  So therefore, the Packers will be known to the world as Champions!

Jay Graves
follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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