Why Wendy's, LSU and the NCAA are lookin' like some fools this mornin'! "99.999%)

"Uhhhh, y'all can keep that stupid award! That ain't what I'm lookin' for playa!" 
William Hazlitt, the English writer, once said, "A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could." Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright, kept it simple with this, "The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite!" Then Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese soccer player, didn't hold back any punches when he spit, "Why lie? I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say the opposite of what I think, like some others do." 

Well playas...everything about the NCAA is a farce and boyz out here, especially, these fake media-types continue to fall for their Oakey Doke. When I say EVERYTHING I mean EVERYTHING. Even the stupid awards that are associated with it. Over the weekend LSU announced that their "all everything" freshman and clearly the best player in the country, Ben Simmons, wasn't certified by the school to be eligible for the Wooden Award. For all of you duns that don't know what that is, it's the Player of the Year Award. That's the joint awarded to the most outstandin' player in college basketball annually.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! What blows my mind about this situation is that NOBODY in the media is blastin' LSU or the NCAA for bein' hypocrites!!! The dun is only in school because the NBA rule states that he's not eligible for the draft until he's been out of high school for at least one full year. He could have sat at Big Momma's house for a year and done nothin', played over seas or gone to college for a year. 

The rules for bein' eligible in college are simple!! All he has to do is pass his classes in the fall semester and simply enroll in classes in the spring term. That means all he had to do was take the fall classes pass/fail. He doesn't have to attend a single class to be eligible to play this spring! Those are the rules playboy. If he flunks out this spring he won't be eligible to play in the fall. However, the dun has no intentions of playin' in the fall because he'll get drafted No.1 OVERALL in June and it's a mute point! 

However, if the dun is eligible to play this spring and makes both the NCAA and LSU money. Then how on earth does he not meet the requirements to be eligible to win the award? If he's eligible to play then he should be eligible to win the award. If the requirement is to have a 2.00 GPA to be eligible to win the award then the requirement to play should be the same. 

You shouldn't be able to use the kid to generate revenue and he not be able to win the award. Especially, if he's the best player in the freakin' country! Stop lyin' to folks about EVERYBODY bein' a student-athlete. Not everybody that shows up is tryin' to be a student-athlete. He's got a special type of DNA bruh. He doesn't NEED to go to college to make a livin'. In June he's goin' to sign a deal that will pay him $10 million GUARANTEED over the next 3 years. So for all of you simple minded individuals that's means if he gets hurt and he can NEVER play again. They still have to pay him his bread. GUARANTEED!!!! 

So by the time he's freakin' 21 years old he would have made more money that 99.999999........% of people in the world for their careers!!! He doesn't need to go to class in order to do that. Even if he never signs another contract again in his life. 

Oh, do I need to break it down for you playa? Do you really need some perspective on just how much bread this kid stands to make in 3 years? Aight, since you asked. A pediatrician makes on average $165,000! Specialists like cardiologists, radiologists or orthopedic surgeons make on average $315,000 per year. Now these duns have gone to undergraduate school, medical school and have done 3 to 4 years of residency to make that type of bread! Not to mention they've got $160,000 plus in student loans to repay when they get out.

Let’s say the specialist works until he or she is age 65. That’s 35 years at an average of $315,000 because they don't start gettin' paid until they're at least 30 because they've been in school and trainin' the whole time. They would only make $11.2 million for their CAREERS! I just told you that Ben Simmons is gonna sign a deal that will pay him $10 million in the first 3 years GUARANTEED. He'll be 21 years and would have made almost as much bread as an orthopedic surgeon will make in his lifetime!!! And if he's still playin' at 21 years old he could potentially sign a max deal in the range of $100 million plus over a 5 or 6 year period. And guess what? He'll still only be 27 years old when the second contract expires! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? And he doesn't even have to be that good relatively speakin'. And if he never plays another minute past his 21st birthday he's made $10 million. But you want him to go to class? 

Do you realize that the average salary in America is $29,000! The average salary for a person with a college degree is $53,000! Most people aren't goin' to make a million dollars in their entire careers bruh and this cat can make $10 million in his first 3 and Wendy's, LSU and the NCAA cares about whether this dun went to class or not? 

All Wendy's, LSU and the NCAA are lookin' like this mornin' is a bunch of fools. Ben Simmons could care less about your stupid rules because he's circumvented them to get what he really wanted and it wasn't the stupid Wooden Award bruh! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Oakey Doke: adverb - runnin' game or in simple terms BS. 
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
4) Aight: adjective - hood for alright bruh.   

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!  

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