The Average Bear (The REAL reason Frank Vogel may be smarter than boyz think)

"I got this playboy! How you like this suit on me though?"
Henry David Thoreau once said, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Confucius broke it down like this, “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Then Denis Waitley, the best-selling author, shut the building down with, “Learn from the past, set vivid goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.”

Last June when the Miami Heat walked out of the joint with a Game 7 win at the crib over the Indiana Pacers to advance to the NBA Finals. The Pacers set a goal to have the number one seed in 2014. With only four games left in the season and being only a half game out of first place the Pacers have essentially pulled over on the side of the road and emptied the ash tray bruh.

On Tuesday Frank Vogel decided that he was going to rest his starters and pick and choose when boyz would play going forward to be prepared for the playoffs. Ole boy cancelled practice on Monday after getting the brakes beat off of them on Sunday by Atlanta. Then he gave his starters the day off on Tuesday before traveling to Milwaukee to play the worse team in the league.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st playboy! I totally get Frank wanting to give boyz some rest before the playoffs start but if the goal was to get the No.1 seed in the East from day one and you’re essentially standing in the freakin’ doorway, boyz need to man up or like we used to say in the hood “Boot Up Playa!”

You’ve got four games left and the starters don’t even need to play all four quarters tonight in Milwaukee. You can suit me and the Pacemates up against them bruh. That’s some built in rest right there.

Think about it, the Heat got beat last night at the crib against Brooklyn and if the Grizzlies show up against them tonight in Memphis, Friday’s game between the Pacers and Heat can decide the East. You cannot be this close to achieving a goal and just throw your hands up and say oh well we tried, maybe next year. That’s crazy to me.

On some real talk, boyz needing to rest ain’t the problem homeboy! Is rest gonna keep duns like Paul George from wilding out off the court or will it give him more time to find something else to get into? Will rest keep Hibbert from calling boyz out in the media instead of stepping to a boy and saying what he really feels? Will rest keep Roy from acting like a baby in a car seat on an extended road trip throwing juice boxes and tearing up his diaper when Vogel benched him? Will rest keep them from pointing fingers at one another? Does rest increase intestinal fortitude or does it excuse a boy from achieving his goals?

Because by resting these cats you’re conceding to the Heat even when you still have a shot at being No.1 in the East and therefore, you’re telling that Dragon that I don’t have the intestinal and mental fortitude to get over the hump to compete with you. So take that, that's yours.

What the Pacers are saying is that I’m cool with being in the same position that I was in last year in a game 7 situation if it comes to that. Or maybe Frank Vogel is smarter than the average bear and understands that as bad as his team is playing right now they’ve got a better shot at advancing in the playoffs being the No.2 seed.

If they’re second in the East they’ll have to play Charlotte instead of Atlanta in the first round and they can’t buy a win in the “A” for some strange "Magic City" reason. But most importantly, they can avoid the Chi-town hustlers in the second round because they don’t want any part of Joakim right now, especially Hibbert. So maybe ole Frank is on to something! Just maybe.

Keep in mind that it’s a marathon not a sprint bruh but the duns in Miami understand how to physically and mentally get it done. The question is, can the Pacers figure it out before it’s too late? I think Frank has figured out a way to move forward despite the foolishness! Remember what my man Confucius said earlier, “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Isn't the ultimate REAL goal here to win an NBA championship? Why not avoid the early land mines, get your head right and advance? I'm just sayin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 


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