Bout It (The REAL reason Cincinnati head coach Mick Cronin is a hypocrite)

"You want some if this bruh? I got it all day playboy!
Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright and author, once said, “The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite!” Charles Spurgeon, the 19th century British preacher, gave it to us like this, “Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite.” Then William Hazlitt, the late 18th and early 19th century English writer, got real on a boy and said, “A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could.”

Cincinnati head coach Mick Cronin couldn’t front on us Saturday when the real cat jumped out of the birthday cake with the full Bearcat thong, heels, sexy mask and all on playboy. He got “bout it” real quick when referee Teddy Valentine got in his face in the second half of their 51-45 loss to Connecticut.

Ole boy was so fired up and ready to scrap that even his own players and assistant coaches had to restrain him. Now was the ref completely out of line for getting in his face? Absolutely! Should Cronin have gotten fired up as a result of the disrespect? You darn right! And that's the edited version bruh!

So let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! My problem isn’t with Cronin snappin’, it’s with him being a hypocrite. In December of 2011 Cincinnati and Xavier were playing the Annual Crosstown Shootout and his players got into a fight with the duns from Xavier with like 9 seconds left in the game.

Both teams came into the joint beefin’ about something that started on a local radio show and then spilled over to Facebook. Neither the coaches nor the refs took control of the game as boyz were talking crazy, pushing and shoving the entire time. Any hood dweller or former hood dweller could see that it was about to explode because you’ve got teams full of kids from the ghetto.

Where I’m from if the refs or coaches see that boyz are a little chippy early on they call a timeout and let everybody know that this ain’t that. Whoever steps out of line tonight is going home early. Then all of the woofin' is over and the game goes off without a hitch. They'll just wait and scrap after the joint is over in the parking lot.

So when it finally popped off Cronin was the main cat after the game show boating for the press saying how embarrassed he was and that he was gonna throw boyz off of the team etc. Talkin’ about how he couldn’t believe that his team acted like that and so on and so forth when he went to the ghetto and got every one of them. So cats like Yancy Gates, Chekih Mbodj and Octavius Ellis were suspended several games.

Now I was cool with boyz gettin’ suspended because they’ve got to learn how to control themselves in crazy situations. This ain’t the ghetto playboy. It's big time college basketball.

However, when three years later the same dun that was blasting his players about actin’ a fool and embarrassing him and the program makes the statement, “Where I from you don’t get in somebody’s face.” sounds like he’s operating under the same rules his players were operating with. It’s all good but be consistent big playa or should I say Lil' playa. Don't tell your players to walk away because they've got on a uniform but since you've got on a suit you can go straight to the ghetto on a boy? You're sending mixed messages.

Don’t pick and choose when you’re gonna be the disciplinarian and when you’re gonna be "bout it bout it" because you look like a hypocrite the next time you try to tell a boy he's wrong for gettin' it in! I’m just sayin’! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!       

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