Pumpin' the Brakes (Coach accused of bullying for scoring 91 points)

"What else do you want me to do if you're team is that bad bruh?"
Arthur Ashe once said, “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Colin Powell gave it to boyz like this, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. Then Confucius pushed all of the dominoes off of the table when he said, “Success depends upon previous preparation and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”

Well… if the football players at Western Hills high school in Texas didn’t understand what ole Confucius and his boyz were spitting before last Friday they know now. They obviously didn’t prepare at all before showing up to play the No.1 team in Class 4A  in the state of Texas, Aledo High, on Friday night. They got their windows, doors, sun roof, tires and seats blown off in a 91-0 thrashing.

As a result of that thrashing some clown parent of the Western Hills team filed a bullying complaint against the Aledo coaching staff and not a neglect charge against the duns coaching the Western Hills team.

At first glance of the score you would think that ole boy ran up the score but that isn’t what happened at all. First of all, these duns are averaging nearly 70 points per game. In was 56-0 at the half! So the Aledo coaches spent the entire half time trying to figure out how not to put 100 of these boyz.

They played with a running clock the entire second half and played 2nd and 3rd team players the rest of the game. They only threw 10 passes the entire game. The starting running back touched the freakin’ ball 6 times all night and scored 4 touchdowns. Aledo rushed for 391 yards and scored 8 touchdowns.

They only ran 32 plays and 17 different players touched the freakin' ball. Do you realize how bad the 17th player was that touched the ball was on a high school team? That dun was on a walker, wearing bifocals, some Starberry corrective shoes and on oxygen bruh! And he was still stiff arming boyz!

Even the third team cat was gashing these duns. This is high school football bruh! Do you realize how bad the 3rd team cat is on a high school team? This ain’t the Oregon Ducks or the Alabama Crimson Tide where the 3rd team guy was still an All-American in high school! This is the guy that can barely find the holes in Swiss cheese that you can't stop.

The Western Hills coaching staff could have at any moment thrown in the towel and gotten on the freakin' bus and gone to the crib! As a matter of fact, they could've bounced at half time and saved everybody the trouble of watching that foolishness but they didn't. So who's the bully?

That's like getting into a cage with a wild animal with the door open and not having sense enough to get out. You decide on your own to keep wrestling with the bear even though he keeps calling a timeout for you to get out of the cage so he can go to sleep. Then when you finally decide to get out. You call the police and tell them that he car jacked you.

Ima keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! In today’s society everybody wants to blame somebody else for not handling their business. Nobody wants to parent or get in their kid’s butt like Big Momma and PaPa used to do. Instead of holding duns accountable for not preparing themselves for the moment. They want to slam the coaching staff and players that were prepared to play.

On some real talk, that’s life playboy! The real world isn’t going to pump the brakes on you if you’re not prepared. It’s gonna blow the doors off of you too. If you don’t go to class and don’t learn how to handle your business, you still have to compete against the people that did.

So if you’re stuck on fries as a grown man because you decided to skip class and smoke weed that's on you pimp. When all of your peers go off to school and get degrees of some sort or learn a trade and are now are getting’ this bread do you expect for them to pump the brakes because you didn't take the preparation seriously?

Getting blown out 91-0 was probably the best thing for every kid on that football team because what Aledo gave them was a life’s lesson. Did they really expect for the 3rd team cat that never plays to go out there and take a knee when he got the rock? Did they expect a boy to fall down short of the goal line because they weren’t capable of tackling him?

To the parent that filed the complaint, I feel sorry for you and your child because you’ll be taking care of that dun for the rest of your life. If you don’t hold your kid accountable for not preparing to become the very best that he can be then you’ve failed him. And guess what? That’s on you and it will be your problem when he’s 30 years old and still laying on your couch blaming the world for getting ran over.

If he’s that bad at any sport or craft by the time he got to high school your advice to him should have been to find something else that you’re good at and do it. Don’t waste my time or money fooling around with this nor the coach’s time. That’s a real conversation that needs to happen in every household in America. Stop lying to these kids because when you do you end up sitting through a 91-0 blowout and blaming the world for embarrassing your kid. Your kid embarrassed himself and you should be charged with neglect for allowing it to happen! Stop me when I start lyin' playboy!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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