The Myth of the SEC

"These boyz are the only cats paying for dinner around here !"
I'm always blown away by the amount of people that have a tendency to ride the coat tails of the success of folks that they’re affiliated with instead of grinding and being successful on their own. It’s easier to talk about what your boy is doing as opposed to what you can't or won't do. It’s like Lil Wayne or Drake’s boyz that travel with them only to pick up chicks on the strength of their homeboy. They know groupies are always hangin’ around the hotel and are willing to kick it with whoever is affiliated with the entourage just to say they did.

Well homeboy, you don’t pick up groupies in the world of college football just because a few cats in your family have been good. I get so tired of folks screamin’ that the SEC is the best CONFERENCE in football when the accomplishments they bring up only reflect what 3 or 4 teams have done when there are 14 teams in the family. Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st!  Alabama and LSU are the premiere teams in the SEC and in the country. You can’t argue with their consistent success. Sure, there have been 4 teams from the SEC that have won the past 6 national titles since 2006. Florida grabbed 2 under Urban Myer (2006, 2008), LSU picked off 1(2007) under the most famous hat in the world, Auburn got its hands on the 2010 title and Alabama has won 2 under Nick Saban (2009, 2011). Keep in mind that 5 of the 6 titles were won by 3 coaches! Are you kidding me? The entire conference isn't great! As a family it's no better than any other conference.

For example, Vanderbilt is Baylor or Northwestern, Kentucky is Iowa State or Indiana, Ole Miss is Kansas or Purdue, Miss State is Texas Tech or Minnesota, Arkansas is Kansas State or Wisconsin, Tenn is Oklahoma State or TCU, Georgia is West Virginia or Nebraska, Ole Miss is Illinois or Penn State etc! Take Alabama and LSU out of the SEC and they are the Big 12 or Big Ten bruh.

Unless your team was on stage with the mic when the music was playing I don’t want to hear your freaking mouth. Kanye West's boy can't take credit for his Grammy! Derrick Rose's brothers can't ride around the south side of Chicago talking telling boyz that they're rich. You can’t be from Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Kentucky, Arkansas, Vanderbilt, Mizzou, Texas A&M, Tennessee, Georgia or South Carolina screaming the SEC is better than everybody else! You’re like the cat on the tour bus waiting for the groupies to show up looking for Lil Wayne. If I hear from another buster from Tennessee or Kentucky talking trash about the SEC I’m going to pull my skin off and turn it inside out. Are you kidding me? Kentucky is an habitual loser and Tennessee has been wandering in the desert like the Children of Israel since T. Martin left.

Now I hear some clown screamin’, “The SEC has more guys in the NFL than any other conference!” Sure they do, but one has nothing to do with the other. I can name you all kinds of great college football players from over the years that didn’t do a thing in the league. It’s the ultimate team sport bruh! Just because a cat goes to the NFL doesn’t mean that his conference or team was any better of worse better because of it. Guys like Rocket Ishmail(ND), Eric Crouch(Neb), Vince Young(Tx), Brain Bozworth(OU), Andre Ware(HU), I.M Hipp(Neb), Vegas Ferguson(ND), Rasham Salam(Colorado), Matt Leinart(USC), Gino Torretta(Miami), Danny Wuerffull(Florida), Tony Mandarich(USC) and Curtis Enis(Penn State) were college football greats that didn't do anything at the next level. However, that didn’t take away from their success as players in college. There was a time when Miami had more players in the NFL than any other school. Could boyz from the ACC at the time holler that it was the best conference in football bruh? Absolutely not!

All I’m saying is, stop trying to ride the success of your boy and get your own success. Stop waiting for the groupies to show up looking for your boy and pull some women on your own strength. Those other teams aren’t Jesus homeboy. You can’t just touch the hem of their garment and become a winner. It doesn’t work like that. Just because you're related to a boy doesn't mean that when he wins you win. This ain't the ghetto "when you make it we all make it" type scenario. Then we all end up back in the ghetto because everybody can't eat off of one cat! You're like the crew of 14 that show's up at the buffet and pays for 2 plates! That's stealing and it's real talk! Stop showing me titles, All-Americans and wins that only reflect 3 or 4 brothers and the rest of the family is on welfare!

Right now only Alabama and LSU are for real! The other two duns that contributed to those 6 titles are back to being normal programs. Auburn lucked up and got Cam Newton for one year and won a national title. Before that they hadn't won a joint since 1957! Anybody would have won a title with Cam on the field. He was just that good. Now Gene Chizik is the Gene Chizik that was horrible at Iowa State and was 5-7 the year before he came to Auburn. The same cat that the Auburn faithful booed at the airport when he was hired. Yeah, that guy bruh!  The guy that has his team in the toilet this point and reeling.

 Florida hit the lottery with Urban Meyer and a once in a lifetime player in Tim Tebow and went on a run. Now they’re back to being Steve Spurrier’s Florida. So unless you’re from Alabama or LSU walk lightly and speak softly. Because I just saw bottom feeder vs. bottom feeder play last Saturday and Northwestern(Big Ten) beat Vanderbilt(SEC). The same Vanderbilt that nearly knocked off the so-called 9th ranked South Carolina Gamecocks a week earlier! Both South Carolina and Arkansas were only in the pre-season top 10 only because of the SEC reputation but Louisiana Monroe couldn't read. "Shhhh! I won’t say nothing if you won’t!" We'll act like it never happened. SMH

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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