Codes of the Brotherhood

"Yeah,  whatever dude!"
When you're baptized into the brotherhood there are two laws that have to be respected and they are found in  Section 1: Articles 6  & 7 of the of the Huslta's Handbook. They're as follows, "Never count another man's money!" and "Never throw salt on his opportunity to make it!' Understanding  those core principles are the keys to respecting the brotherhood.  Any one that violates them are subject to a beat down and removal from the family.

Well...Carmelo Anthony is on deck to get tapped up and evicted from the fellowship. When asked earlier this week how he felt about Houston's contract offer to Jeremy Lin he said this, “It's up to the organization to say they want to match that ridiculous contract that's out there," Anthony told reporters Sunday before practice with the U.S. Olympic team. Straight punk move Carmelo because you know the rules bruh!

The standard answer when a reporter asks you a clown question like that is to say, " I hope Lin does what's best for Lin." End of story! You never player hate on a boyz opportunity to get paid. Melo ought to be ashamed of himself for even thinking about that man's contract. This is the same cat that held Denver hostage for nearly a year and a half to force a trade to New York. If some dun would have said that he was acting like a punk during the process and that he didn't deserve his bread he would have been ready to fight in the parking lot and that's real talk!

In my opinion, he's not worth the 3 year $65 million contract that he's got because he doesn't play an ounce of defense. So he really should give half of the joint back until he starts playing  both ends of the floor. What good does it do for him to put up 38 points and give up 37 on the opposite end? That's a net of 1 point for ya'll that's checkin'!  But he has the nerve to hate on another cats money and his potential to make it.  That's why I'm trippin' off of  boyz that already know the rules of the brotherhood that are siding with Melo on this.

"That was kinda foul what I did tho!"
Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Look at who the source is bruh! It's Melo, Mr. Selfish, the ball stopper himself! He doesn't want Lin on the squad anyway because that takes the rock out of his hands. So it only makes sense that he would player hate your boy. All professional athletes are trying to get as much guaranteed money as possible because their careers are so short. So Melo knew what the drill was and that's why he tried to clean it up on Monday by saying that he would really like to have Lin on the Knicks this year. Buster Brown throwing foul balls driving the wrong way in the HOV lane in a smart car that  tried to U-turn at the last minute. Too late bruh you've already totaled the vehicle.

That's like a guy telling a woman that she shouldn't holler at a boy because he's been known to have several women, only for him to try and date her himself. It's a straight punk move and anybody that doesn't think so needs to check his brotherhood card. It's been written in blood that the code is never to be violated. So Carmelo should be brought before the council and tapped up.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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