"Who's Foolin' Who" How it Really Went Down!

"Too much too fast" 
Ted Williams, the homeless man with the Golden Voice who has recently accepted a job as the Cleveland Cavaliers announcer, was detained by Los Angeles police after he got into a fight with his daughter in a Hollywood hotel room. Now the initial report of the incident was that his daughter was upset with her father because he had relapsed and had been drinking heavily. Everybody that believes that, stand on your head and spin around.

According to his daughter he has been drinking a bottle of Grey Goose a day not to mention various other liquors. Now I don’t dispute the fact that he has been drinking etc. However, that wasn’t the cause of the fight between the two of them. Now I wasn’t there but I’m pretty sure she didn’t scratch him up like that because he was drinking.

He’s been a drug addict and a drunk for more than two decades. The fact that he was drinking wasn’t the problem. She wants in on some of that money that he’s suddenly fallen into. Like I said, I wasn’t there but I was there, you know what I mean? She shows up and breaks it down like this, “You weren’t there to raise me because you’ve had your problems over the years but I want what you owe me now”. He told her that he couldn't just give her money right now because he has to go through somebody that's handling his money. I'm quite sure everybody is coming at him right now. She went off and they end up at the police station.

Keep in mind that all of this is pretty overwhelming to Ted at this point. I completely understand his daughter being upset with him for not being apart of her life but there are more civil ways to handle your anger. Let’s keep it real! If she had been scratched up like he was, Ted would’ve been arrested and locked up.

You and I both know that that story didn’t make any sense to anybody with a ghetto pass. Just like when Tiger Woods tried to tell the police and the media that he lost control of the truck in the driveway and his wife broke the back window to pull him out. Anybody that believed any of that didn’t grow up in the hood. We didn’t have to wait until the truth came out because we already knew how it went down.

Tiger was asleep and in the wee hours of the morning his wife got up wanting to talk about the women that he had on the side. He told her to go to bed and she snapped. Hit him in the mouth and picked up the golf club and went at him. He ran out of the house without any shoes on, jumped in the truck and she swung and broke the back window. Scared the crap out of him and he hit the gas, lost control of the truck and there it is. Anybody from around the way new the story weeks before the main stream media figured it out.

Now I know that Ted's daughter told the police that she was mad at him because he was drinking. However, this is the same man that’s been living on the street in Columbus for nearly twenty years. If she was that concerned about him she would’ve jumped on him on the street in Columbus years ago, right?

Does he owe her some money? Technically yes! I strongly believe that a man should take care of his family both financially and emotionally. The word of God says that a man that doesn’t take care of his family is worse than a non believer. However, this guy has been living on the street and couldn't take care of himself let alone nine kids. Does that excuse him in the eyes of God? No, but to jump on the guy as soon as he get’s on his feet is ridiculous. He actually isn’t even on his feet yet. He’s in a spin circle, confused and disoriented by what's happening to him with all of the fame and celebrity that's running in his direction.

That’s too much for a normal working class human being to absorb let alone a guy that's been living on the street for nearly twenty years with a drug and alcohol addiction. C'mon man! If his daughter was really concerned about his well being she would be making sure he had some psychological counseling daily during this process. If she would come along side of him like a real daughter, she wouldn’t have to worry about being taken care of. That would be automatic. What's your opinion?

Jay Graves

1 comment:

  1. Brother this is a prophetic account of what really happen and EXACTLY what will be reported once the real story comes out!

    You weren’t there to raise me because you’ve had your problems over the years but I want what you owe me now”. He told her that he couldn't just give her money right now because he has to go through somebody that's handling his money. I'm quite sure everybody is coming at him right now.

    That brother has nine kids so believer me EVERYBODY is coming at him right now!


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