My Letter to Michael Vick

"Everyone Desrves a 2nd Chance"
Dear Mike,

Congratulations on a great season my brother! You've done more than just play a game this year. You've been an example of courage to many that are in need of a second chance. There are so many kids and young adults that have had their eyes on you since you were released from prison. You may not have realized the impact that you are having on not only kids from the hood but people all over the world.

God allowed you to be a rich and famous NFL quarterback so that the people would know your name when you fell from grace.Therefore, when he redeemed you everyone would see the power that he has is in his hands.   As the story of Job teaches us, everything is either God caused or God allowed. Even though Job was a righteous man God gave the devil permission to take everything from him. God said that it was permissible to take everything just don't touch his soul. As Job never stopped praising God he was restored.

Whether you realize it or not Mike, God uses people with flaws like you and I to bring people closer to him. Moses was a murderer and he chose him to lead the people out of Egypt. Noah was a drunk and he chose him to make the Ark and King David was an adulterer. With all of your flaws, God is using you to make an impact that reaches well beyond the 100 yards of a football field.

 He allowed you to be redeemed this year so that all of those people that are hating on you can find him too. Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. However, young brother, it is God's grace and mercy that allows us to have a second chance. Aren't you glad that the fans aren't in control of your destiny because they don't have a heaven or a hell to put you in.

Continue to keep your faith in the one that brought you out of the bowels of the prison and continue to make a strong impact in the community. You just don't know, your effort today may have stopped a young person from going out with the wrong crowd and robbing someone this evening. A young boy that is being raised without a father is using you as his motivation to make it. Understand that your life is a testimony for others to see. Don't ever be selfish enough to think that what you do doesn't effect others.

Once again my brother, keep your head up and be the man that God ordained you to be.

Jay Graves
Holla At Ya Boy!
Twitter: @jaygravesreport


  1. Lance Osterhout wrote: Very nice Jay!! We all need a second chance in life! Only by the grace of GOD are we given that chance!!

  2. Hardmon Williams III wrote Jay, solid piece my friend

  3. Walter Stevenson wrote Mr. Graves, I thank God for you and that write up on Michael Vick it hit home and touched my heart.Thanks for helping us keep our head up!

  4. Karlisa Smith wrote: read your article! He definitely is the God of "another" chance-

  5. I can VERIFY that all your comments on the impact of this man's life now that I live in the Philly area and listen to local sports radio consistently! I listen to brothers call in (white and black) all the time telling their testimony of hardships & wrong decisions of the past and how watching Vick make the most of his 2nd chance has given them HOPE they never had before. I just pray he understands his impact & continues to give GOD the glory on and mostly off the field (which people will be watching for years to come)!


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