Men: Raise Your Daughter's or the Streets Will!

"LT pleads guilty!"
 Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor or "LT" as the football world knows him, pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges in court on Thursday, stemming from a May 6th  arrest for felony statutory rape. He will be sentenced to six years' probation but must register as a sex offender. He also was ordered to pay $1,300 in fees.

In court, under oath, Taylor admitted that he had sex with a 16-year-old and he said that he was aware that results of a DNA test identified him. "She told me she was 19," Taylor said in court. What? This guy sounds like a complete idiot for making that statement. He's 51 years old for crying out loud and he's married. What difference would it have made if she was 19. She's still a child. When I hear guys say, "I didn't know how old she was", they really didn't want to know. I'm completely appalled that he was able to get away with six years probation.

 Sure, the young lady was working as a prostitute and they had consensual sex, but a sixteen year girl doesn't have the right to consent to sex with an adult by law. So therefore, he should've been sent to jail for being a dumb pervert if nothing else. This reminds me of the whole R. Kelly situation more than ten years ago. People that operate like that should be locked up because they have no regard for what's morally right. I don't care if the young girl was a willing  participant. She is still a child and children can't make adult decisions especially when they are dealing with an adult.

 Our little girls need to be nurtured and loved more than anything. The behavior that each of these girls and others like them have exhibited is a clear indication that they have low self-esteem. Gentleman, it is just as important to raise your daughter's as it is to raise your son's. Girls develop their image of what a man is by the influence of their fathers. Whether their dads are present or not. When a father loves his daughter and instills in her that she is the daughter of the King, which in turn makes her the princess, she will approach life on a different level. I'm not not only referring to her earthly father but most importantly her heavenly father.

When my daughter was born someone told me to make sure that I date her until it was now longer cool for her to hang out with daddy. So at the age of two we started going on dates. We'll go to dinner and a movie etc. once a month until she's sixteen. At that point she'll be allowed to date boys. On our dates I have shown her how she should be treated when in the company of a man. She's 7 years old and already understands that if a boy asks her out, he's supposed to pay for the date etc. She also understands that she should be treated with the utmost respect. I'm showing her what that looks like now. So therefore, she won't grow up thinking that it's OK to be mistreated. It's going to be difficult for guys to take advantage of her if she has high self-esteem.

So many of our women believe that it's permissible to be treated bad by men because they simply want the love of a man. Unfortunately, they don't understand what being in a healthy relationship with a man looks like because they weren't raised and nurtured in one.  So therefore, in their minds it's OK for them to be mistreated and taken advantage of.  Ladies, a man will only do what a woman allows him to do, remember that. Men, please understand that if we don't spend the necessary time with our little girls. Guy's like Lawrence Taylor will. What's your opinion?

Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter @jaygravesreport
Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

1 comment:

  1. Darrin Solomon wrote: My 10 year old daughter just got her first mp3 player for Christmas. She asked me to hook it up and download some songs for her. So I asked her to write down a list of songs that she wanted to hear. After she made her list, I listened to al...l of the songs online before downloading them to her mp3 player to make sure there were no inappropriate lyrics in them. Well, despite the fact that many of the songs she selected were featured songs from music videos on cable TV stations like the Disney Channel, I had to exclude half of them from the list for having inappropriate lyrics for a 10 year old. I don't even think she realized what a lot of them were really saying. But yet she knew most of the words. I tell ya man, you gotta be vigilant these days!


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