Everybody Is Watching!

Fritz Pollard, the 1st black quarterback in the NFL!
Yesterday I posted my predictions for the title games for tomorrow. I picked the Packers to win the NFC and the Steelers to win the AFC. I was blown away by the amount of people that were upset that I didn't pick their team to win, especially the Bears. I guess because I'm from Gary, In. which is only twenty minutes from Soldier Field people wanted me to be loyal. I pick the teams that I believe will win not necessarily the teams that I would like to win.

 I would like to see the Steelers and the Bears play in the Super Bowl not because I grew in the area but because they both are lead by African American coaches. That is very significant to me because of the opportunity that it provides the world to see black men in leadership roles which is important for our young people to see. The images that are constantly shown of this group of men hasn't always been encouraging. There are so many African American kids that haven't had the privilege of growing up with father's or positive influences. By seeing these successful guys on the side lines they may be encouraged to do great things with their lives. Everybody can't be a star player.

When I was a child we didn't see guys coaching that looked like us so therefore, very few kids aspired to coach. It was the same way with playing quarterback. Black kids weren't allowed to play that position when I was coming up so it was a big deal when guys like Randel Cunningham and Warren Moon made it to the NFL. Every kid in the neighborhood believed  that they could play quarterback after seeing those guys perform.

Did you realize that Fritz Pollard was the very first black coach in the NFL back in 1921 when he was a player and co-coach for the Akron Pros? It wasn't until 1989, nearly 60 years later, that the Oakland Raiders hired Art shell to lead their team. Then there a ten year gap before Denny Green was hired by the Vikings in 1998. It wasn't until 2003 that two African Americans ever coached in a playoff game. Herman Edwards' NY Jets defeated Tony Dungy's Colts 41-0 in a wild card game.

It was a great day in 2007 when Tony Dungy lead the Colts to victory over Lovie Smith's Chicago Bears. Black folks didn't care who won the game because we were just happy that a black coach had finally won the Super Bowl. Now many folks would ask the question, "why is it such a big deal?"  The more success these guys have the more the door gets pushed opened. The perception has to change in order for the opportunity to exist. In the past the perception was that black coaches didn't have what it  took to lead teams to championships. Now that we've seen it done a couple of times with Tony Dungy in '07 and Mike Tomlin in '09 the opportunity gets better for others coming behind them.

I'm thankful that my children can grow up during a time that it's normal for them to see people that look like them having success in this country. It wasn't that long ago the opportunity didn't exist. My dad was a college quarterback in the 1950's but wasn't allowed to play at the predominately white schools. His only choice was to play at a black college and he chose Texas Southern University. After college very few black players were given a chance to play professionally. Of course, guys like Jim Brown played but it's nothing like it is today. More than 80% of the NFL is African American.

 I praise God for the opportunity these guys are getting because it makes the world a better place when diversity is appreciated. I'm happy that in this country not only African Americans but all minorities including women are sitting at the table of opportunity. Now it's not where we all want to see it yet but  for those few that get the opportunity please make good on it so that others like you can shine. With all of that being said, Go Steelers and Bears!!!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport


  1. Keith Jackson wrote:These are the same experts who said the bears would only win.7 games. Funny how the seahawks were better than we thought when they beat the saints. But when the bears beat them they were a.bad team. Well keep picking against us. Go Bears !!!!!!

  2. I honestly think the Bears will win because they know the Packers well and Chicago has been able to slow down Aaron Rodgers. Check the last game of the year when the Packers were held to 10pts and the Bears had nothing to play for. I think the Bears front 4 will get pressure on Rodgers and allow the linebackers to make plays. Also, with the field conditions, that will also slow the Packers receivers and Rodgers down when he scrambles. It will be a close game, Bears 24-21.

    In the other game, I expect Steelers to win. Big Ben is used to being hit and a couple of sacks will not rattle him. He's just too big a guy and he makes things happen when the play gets broken down. Also, with Troy Palomoulu playing, he will give Sanchez problems. Steelers win 28-17.


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