I'm Not Upset With Cam, Just His Dad!

"Getting it done!"
Everybody is upset with Cam Newton because of the potential NCAA violations that are surrounding him for allegedly asking for $180,000 in order to sign with Mississippi State last year. I’m not mad at this kid because children don’t always make the best decisions. Now if this story is found to be true the person that I’m upset with is his dad, Cecil Newton, because he put his child in the middle of all of this confusion.

 Kids all over the country at big time universities are offered money and take it everyday. So if Cam had just accepted money that news wouldn’t have blown me away. In fact, if that were the case we wouldn’t even be talking about it because we never would have found out about it. As a parent Cam’s dad was responsible for being an example for his child to follow. Are you that greedy that you couldn’t wait one year for your son to get paid? He’s a junior and is eligible to enter the NFL draft in April 2011.

 It’s a shame that Daddy Newton has created this mess that his son now has to live through. See Cam’s father isn’t the one on the news all day every day, doesn’t have to answer media questions before and after practice, doesn’t have them following him to class and sitting outside his dorm or apartment.

This situation reminds me of how Reggie Bush’s parents got him investigated and he eventually lost his Heisman Trophy and National title after leaving USC. They rented an $800,000 home from some sports agent that eventually blew the whistle because Reggie didn’t sign with him. Not to mention how USC distanced itself from him by removing everything that says Reggie Bush from the athletic department.

 All of the awards that he won as a student there and now he can’t even show his children that he even played there; because his parents couldn’t wait three years for him to turn pro. See, the NFL requires that a kid is three years removed from graduating high school before they can enter the draft. I’m sick of greedy lazy parents taking advantage of their children. It’s not your child’s responsibility to take care of you especially when they are still kids. Stop looking for the big payday and go out and earn your own money. If you’ve raised the kid right he’s going to be loyal to you when he eventually gets paid. Parents, just sit tight. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Don’t throw your kid under the bus like these guys have done. What’s your opinion?

Jay Graves


  1. I think that players need to have a stipend anyway. However, Regardless of the fact that his Dad requested the funds, Why didn't this Agent come out clean when the kid transferred to Junior College or enrolled at Auburn. Dad and Agent need to discuss their own future and let the kid play. More to come...

  2. You hit the nail on the head! Let your child up and make his own decisions!

  3. Now it seems to me that truth is coming out. No money was taken!!! More to come.... Thanks, SDG.


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