Why LeBron is lyin' about NOT knowin' much about the Tamir Rice case! "C'mon Bruh"

"You got me dawg! I can't run game on a real playa huh?"
Simon Mainwaring, the award-winnin' brand consultant, once said, "The leverage and influence social media gives citizens are rapidly spreading into the business world." Warren Buffett gave it to us like this, "When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results." Then John Gerzema, the well-known columnist, broke it down like a playa at a pimp convention when he spit, "All leaders, male or female, innately possess feminine qualities like empathy, candor and vulnerability - the difference lies in which leaders choose to suppress those qualities, and which choose to leverage them as strengths." 

Well playas...I've got no problem with a leader choosin' to suppress them or choosin' to leverage them as long as it's the leader's decision! What I'm trippin' on is the amount of duns tryin' to force LeBron to do somethin' in regards to the Tamir Rice situation in Cleveland. Now for all of you simple minded individuals that don't know, Tamir Rice was the 12 year old black kid that was shot and killed by Cleveland police for allegedly havin' a gun. 

These duns just drove up and shot him without even tryin' to talk a boy down or tryin' to negotiate with him. Come to find out that it wasn't even a real gun. However, a bunch of grown white men in Oregon can take over government property armed with REAL guns and tellin' boyz that they will use them if necessary but the authorities have been waitin' for more than 5 days and still haven't ran up on them. I'm just sayin' playa. 

Now last week I wrote a Hot Joint entitled "Hashtag" tellin' boyz how stupid they sound tryin 'to tell LeBron that he should sit out of games in protest of the grand jury's decidin' not to bring an indictment against these suckas. It's foul that another black unarmed kid is killed by the very people that have been sworn in to protect and serve the community. However, to ask LeBron to miss work because you're pissed is ignorant. Now Tamir's mom is publicly upset with LeBron because he hasn't commented on the situation. She was on Roland Martin's show on TVOne, NewsOne Now and said: 

"I think it's quite sad that LeBron hasn't spoken out about my son. I'm not asking him to sit out a game. I know his kids got to eat too, but you could at least put a shirt on or something. ... I'm not asking nobody to quit their job or anything but, make a statement for us black people out here."

Now let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I completely understand what she's sayin'. I do bruh! But just because LeBron has spoken out on situations like Treyvon Martin and Eric Garner etc. doesn't mean that he's OBLIGATED to speak out on every situation that pops off. Now because the kid was from Cleveland it would make sense that he'd be dialed in and would have an opinion on this foolishness. 

I thought that it was foul that his excuse was that he didn't know much about the case because he hasn't really been payin' attention to what's been goin' on. Now hold on a second playa, he's been aware of everything goin' on for the past few years from Ferguson to Florida to NYC with all of this foolishness. Now he doesn't know what's goin' on in CLEVELAND!!??? The city he came back to and wrote that fake "A" letter (edited version) to. That Cleveland? The city he claimed to love? Well... north east Ohio. Same difference playboy.  

C'mon LeBron! You don't have to know much about the case playa! Just peep the video  bruh!! A kid is standin' in the park with a gun and two cops pull up on him, jump out of the ride before it even comes to a complete stop and shoots him dead! There's nothin' else to know or see. But some grown men can take over government property and tell a boy that they're packin' and WILL shoot if you run up on them and the authorities have waited 5 plus days and done nothin'. There's somethin' wrong with that picture pimpin'! 

But again, if Lebron doesn't want to comment on this one he doesn't have to because at least he has been socially active in the past. Unlike duns like Michael freakin' Jordan and Tiger Woods ole dull butts. They've NEVER had an opinion about ANYTHING and doesn't care about what's doin' on unless it makin' them some bread. 

LeBron you don't have to comment bruh. Just don't lie to us because we ain't suckas out here. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1)  Spit: verb - to say 
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Pimpin': noun - the person that I'm passionately tryin' to get my point across to. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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