Why Cubs fans FINALLY have a reason to be OBNOXIOUS! "Talkin' Trash"

In my Jay-Z voice "It's about to go down!"
On Tuesday night as boyz were gettin’ it in at one of the local sports bars up on the north side of the Chi these three cats started arguin’ about boyz bein’ obnoxious. Zig Ziglar, the well-known sales guru, stood up and said, “Every obnoxious act is a cry for help. F. Scott Fitzgerald, the famous novelist, broke it down like this, “Nothing is as obnoxious as other people’s luck. Then William Feather, the famous publisher, poured out a little liquor for all the dead homies when he spit, “Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious.”
Well playas…that’s only if you’re not a Cubs fan this mornin'! For the first time in a lifetime there was a reason to be at the corner of Clark and Addison on Tuesday night. The Chicago Cubs finally won a postseason series at the crib in a 100 freakin’ years and now the fan base that was already the most OBNOXIOUS in sports actually has a reason to talk “ish.” And that’s the edited version.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I grew up in Gary, In. right over the state line so the Cubs and White Sox were the local teams. However, for some strange reason even though the White Sox were always better, everybody in the Chicagoland Area were and still are Cubs fans. It never made any sense to me bruh.

I could never understand why a boy would root for a team that hasn't won a thing in more than 100 years and then will walk around talkin’ noise like they were the best team in the league!!! It was almost like watchin’ boyz joint a cult. It’s like, "Are you really gone drink that bruh?"

Now that they ARE the “ish” it’s gonna be impossible to deal with these duns. It’s gonna be boyz walkin’ around today talkin’ so much trash you would swear that they played yesterday and hit a freakin’ walk-off homer. OMG!!

Now don’t get me wrong bruh! I’m happy that Cubs fans actually get to celebrate and have something to cheer about for the first time in their freakin’ lives. Because it was almost insane to be a Cubs fan! Again, why would you root for a team that always loses? It makes absolutely no sense!
"What? Man shut up! We just won bruh!"

At least the Bears have won a Super Bowl in their lifetime. Boyz can still remember them winnin’ a title in 1985. But there’s not a dun alive or still sane that can remember when the Cubs won a championship. The last time they won a title was in 1908 bruh! Do you realize that Henry Ford introduced the Model T in 1908 and that was the year paper cups were invented? So that was the first time that a boy got pulled over for breakin’ the open container laws sippin’ on that snake oil.

On some real talk, I’m happy that boyz in the Chi and those that grew up in the surroundin’ area that are huge Cubs fans have something to actually talk noise about! What these young thunder cats have accomplished is mind blowin’ when you think about it. They’ve done what the great Ernie Banks and cats like Fergie Jenkins couldn’t do. Well…they could have done it but the organization was a complete freakin’ mess for years.

The powers that be with the Cubs have never had a reason to win because they were goin’ to make the same amount of bread win or lose. As long these suckas kept sellin’ out games and fillin’ the streets of Wrigleyville every night buyin' merchandise there was no reason for the front office to try to win. Why spend the bread and make the necessary moves to make the same amount of money? That makes no sense.

It wasn’t until Theo Epstein took over as team president that the Cubs actually had a shot at doin’ big things. NOW and only NOW will I tolerate Cubs fans talkin’ ish! But only for the rest of the month and I don’t have a dog in the fight! Why? Because baseball is like watchin’ paint dry in a subway station at 3 in the mornin’ while I’ve got the bubble guts bruh! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Chi: noun short for Chicago
2) Spit: verb – to say
3) Ish: noun – that famous four letter word that means manure.
4) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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