Janky (Why Derrick Rose has become a disappointment & the Bulls are nowshot)

"What you say bruh?"
Robert Kiyosaki, the self-help guru and author, once said, “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.” Henry David Thoreau, the well-known author and poet, broke it down like this, “If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.” Then Ryan Reynolds, the Canadian actor, put a twist on it for a boy when he spit, “When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.”

Well playas…Chicago Bulls fans had great expectations for the hometown hero Derrick Rose. The dun that represents everything that is street and hood about the Chi! Inglewood playboy, home of the hustlas and real playas! Chi-town is what they call it! I’m from the G (Gary,In.), which is only a 10 minute drive from the south side. So I’ve got tall respect for cats out that way because it’s essentially the same place that I grew up. Same duns with the same philosophy on makin’ it happen and gettin’ up out of the ghetto. #Respect

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Here’s the problem pimpin’, boyz in the Chi that are at ground zero of the situation can’t see it for what it is or simply refuse to see it for what it is playa. D. Rose has become a disappointment! Not because the dun has been essentially hurt  on and off for the past 3 years. But because the expectation for him was so high after winnin’ the MVP and then durin’ the time off of the floor because of the recent injuries, he hasn’t developed a solid jumper and improved his all-around game.

When he came into the league in ’08 his game was predicated on his first step and the joint was lethal too! For all of you simple minded individuals predicated is what a boy’z game is dependent upon bruh. Keep up with me playa. C’mon! He’d take a boy to the rack in a heartbeat and pull up that janky floater and it dropped. Fast forward to these recent playoffs and his game is still first step and the janky floater. Here’s the problem, the first step ain’t what it used to be and the floater is worse than it used to be. Yeah, he had a couple of outstandin’ games in the playoffs but when he’s not "on" he doesn’t make others around him better. And he is the point guard right?

All the time that ole boy spent rehabbin’ over the years and he never improved the jump shot? His shootin’ percentage gets worse every year and it doesn’t matter how many games he plays bruh. The percentage isn’t contingent upon the number of games; it’s about how many of those joints go in when he shoots them.

From the year he was drafted to now it’s crazy. He’s gone from 47% in ’08-‘09 to 48% in ’09-’10 to 45% in ’10-’11 (MVP year) to 43% in ’11-’12 to didn’t play in ’12-’13 to 35% in ’13-’14 to 40% this year bruh! Now all of you Bulls fans are fired up at me for tellin’ a boy the truth. I’m just the messenger playa. The numbers don’t lie. 

In my Colonel Jessup voice, "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!!!" Ole boy has been in the league too long to have the same game he had when he showed up. Unacceptable with or without the injuries bruh. 

Let me put it where the goats can get it for you. In order to become great you’ve got to improve the deficiencies of your game and I don’t care what your game is. It could be hoop, football, baseball, readin’, multi-taskin’ etc. But if you’re goin’ to be great you’ve got to improve on the things that you aren’t as good at doin’! 

Michael Jeffery Jordan, the dun that is revered out here in these streets couldn’t shoot or go to his left when he came into the league. All of you young boyz don’t know that because either you were too young to know in 1984 or you weren’t alive yet. Either way you need to listen to this O.G. break it down for you.

The Detroit Pistons used to put that thang on him because he couldn’t shoot (wasn't a solid shooter) or go to his left and they used to bang him around because he was too weak. Thus, “The Jordan Rules!” Well playa, Jordan got tired of gettin’ mistreated and forced to his left so he put in the work and spent the necessary time in the weight room and workin’ on that fire jumper he had by the time you young boyz woke up or were born.

If Derrick Rose is gonna make $18.86 million per year pimpin’ then he’s gotta be able to have more than a janky floater and a not so quick first step in his repertoire. Again, you simple minded folks, repertoire means the whole body of items regularly performed or in hood terms, the joints that he does all the time. In other words, "What you know a boy is gonna do every time you see him" and a janky floater ain’t worth darn near $19 million! I’m just sayin’!

Jimmy Butler’s game is worth more than Derrick Rose’s right now bruh. He’s not even a Top 8 point guard at this moment and he’s makin’ $19 million!!!! Oh I’m talkin’ crazy? Here you go, 1) Steph Curry, 2) Young Russ, 3) Kyle Lowry, 4) Damian Lillard, 5) John Wall, 6) Mike Conley, 7) Kyrie and 8) Jeff Teague. Now you can move them joints around in whatever order you want to playa but Derrick ain’t gettin’ in the car at this point. He isn’t better than any one of them at the point guard position. Not now! Not today! Real talk, who do you want runnin’ your offense? And I hate Young Russ’s game but I’ll take him over D. Rose all day!

Here’s an additional problem for the Bulls, you can’t do anything with him because he makes too much bread and he’s got a history of bein’ hurt all of the time. Nobody with the brain of a Scarecrow would trade for him and Jimmy Butler is about to get max money from boyz out here. The Bulls are shot and they’ve got to live with a dun with a janky floater in the meantime. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit: verb – to say
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc.
3) Let me put it where the goats can get it: To break it all the way down for you. Goats eat off of the ground so I can’t make this any easier than I’m makin’ it right now playa.
4) O.G.: noun – initially it was short for Original Gangsta, but now it’s taken on a broader meanin’. It’s normally the reference to the older cat in the barber shop or the joint boyz hang out that can spit some knowledge to these young boyz tryin’ to make it out of the hood.
5) The Jordan Rules: noun – the defensive strategy that the Pistons used to limit Jordan’s effectiveness on the floor.
6) Pimpin’: noun – the person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get my point across to.
7) Janky: adjective – just made up, ghetto rigged, to just put something together and it’ll work for so long but it’s not a permanent solution.
8) Fire: adjective - good, excellent

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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