Ball OUt (Why OU's Eric Striker was WAY out of line in how he snapped on SAE)

"You right Jay! I gotta manage my emotions and keep ballin'!"
Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Thomas Paine gave it to us like this, “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.” Then the big homie, Henry Ford, broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he spit, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”

Well playas…it looks like the duns in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at OU weren’t thinkin’ over the weekend when they got so cocky that they started chantin’ their racist frat hymn on a bus with a snitch on board. Yeah, I said frat hymn because that song wasn’t brand new. I pledged a frat playboy and there are certain joints that the frat has been singin’ for decades and that sounded like one of them. How do I know that? Because the practice of lynchin’ fell off decades ago and a dun between the ages of 18 and 22 years old wouldn’t know anything about that. Not enough to just throw it into a song he just made up on the bus on the ride home playa.

Boyz were singin’ that joint like it’s been around for many moons. The crazy thing about it is that they got put on blast by a cat that was on the freakin’ bus with them. The old school hustlas have always said, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer” you freakin’ idiots. I’m not shocked or upset by what these cats were sayin’ because racism is alive and well in this country. The only people that are shocked by this type of behavior are those that seem to keep stickin’ their heads in the sand tryin’ to convince themselves that it doesn’t exist. 

Ask the duns in Sanford, Fl. if it exists? Ask the folks in Ferguson, Mo. if it exists? Ask the homies in NYC if it exists? If you don't believe them just run up to Sony Pictures and read their executives emails playa! Holler at ole girl down in Florida that just got sentenced to 20 years for firin' a warnin' shot to keep her boyfriend from whoopin' her butt but George Zimmerman walks free after killin' a boy because of the  "Stand your ground" law. It's applies to him but to her. Or better yet, be a black student on a predominantly white college campus! Or just try bein' black in America playboy. You gotta be unconscious to think that it doesn't exist. So I'm not shocked or upset by their behavior.

However, I was more disappointed in OU linebacker Eric Striker, who is black, for the way he responded to this foolishness. Ole boy posted an 18 second profanity laced rant to SnapChat tellin’ these cats how he really felt about them. I’m not goin’ to quote him because it’s unnecessary. Let’s just say this playa, if he were my son I would be on my way to OU this mornin’ to dig in his butt. And that's the edited version! 

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody and their momma’s momma felt the same way Striker felt bruh! However, the true character of man is judged by how he responds durin’ a time of crisis. I know that you’re upset playboy but you are a team leader and an ambassador for the University of Oklahoma and Seffner, Florida. And most importantly, you’re on scholarship!! When a boy is payin’ for you to go to school you can’t jump out of the freakin’ birthday cake butt naked because you’re upset. You’ve got to handle things like a grown man! You’ve got to set the example because you’re the freakin’ man on campus. Not the fools at SAE! Let me tell you like the old timers once told me my brother. "The only difference between a human being and a wild animal is the ability to reason."

What if Bob Stoops and President David Boren had decided to dismiss you from the program for your rant too? Now you’d be on your way home lookin’ crazy. Why? because you couldn’t control your emotions. This is grown man business out here playa! Nobody ever said that it was gonna be easy. What happens 10 years from now when football is in the books for you and you're lookin' for a job and the dun interviewin' you pulls that tape up? Now what? You look like the angry Negro that they decide not to hire.  

Nobody knows those clowns at SAE but everybody knows you. So you gotta hold it down like a real G and be the example for all the young thunder cats comin’ up behind you. This ain’t new bruh. They’ve been treatin’ black folks crazy on predominantly white college campuses for years. It only takes a few knuckle heads but it happens. Why? Because when you have 20K or 30K white kids on a campus and many of them have never been around black folks before and their parents have never taught them to respect other cultures or ethnicities you’re bound to have a few that grew up with racist ideals. It’s gonna happen bruh! I’m quite sure you’ve been warned that it will and this isn’t the first time you’ve experienced blatant racism and it won't be the last.

When I was a student at both Purdue and Indiana University’s in the mid to late ‘80’s. Boyz used to scream the N-word out of the dorm windows at us while we walked to class. They would throw stuff at us out of car windows and holler the same word as they drove by. Notice that I said “drove by.” The only difference between now and then is that nobody had a cell phone to record that foolishness back then.

We could easily have reacted violently and gotten kicked out of school. However, by doin’ that we would have killed any opportunity of us becomin’ college graduates and corporate leaders both nationally and globally. It’s bigger than you playboy! Don’t let some low life cat that thinks that he’s better than you throw you off of your game. You’re on your way to the NFL in a year and he’ll still be hatin’ on you. So why waste your breath tellin’ him how you feel about him? Intelligent folks call that wasted energy.

Just this past weekend the nation celebrated the 50th Anniversary of “Bloody Sunday.” While folks were celebratin’ the efforts of those that put their lives on the line for black folks to have the right to vote in the state of Alabama, the Ku Klux Klan were passin’ out fliers in Selma while the celebration was goin’ on denouncin’ MLK and the movement.

Sometimes you gotta let ignorant folks be ignorant bruh! Boyz completely ignored them and kept it movin’. They didn’t get any press or love for their actions. That’s how you handle ignorance young brother. Everybody’s not racist so you have to learn how to work around those that are. The cats at SAE aren’t gonna be the only fools that you run into that hate you in this lifetime and you can’t go off every time you run into one.

Success is the best revenge! Not cursin’ boyz out, because all you do when you stoop down to talk to them is hurt your back. Just go to class, ball OUt and get to where you’re tryin’ to go. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:  
1) Spit: verb – to say
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
3) Dig: verb – to discipline harshly
4) G: noun – short for Gangsta which means like a stud, boss, the cat in charge
5) Young Thunder Cats: noun – young boyz that look like you that aspire to be just like you

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!   

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