Women & Seafood (Why the media is now back trackin' its opinion of Jameis' draft status)

"Jay was the only cat in the media that believed in me bruh!"
Friedrich Niettzsche, the German philosopher and poet, once said, “All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses.” Brit Hume, the political commentator, gave it to us like this, “In the end, you make your reputation and you have your success based upon credibility and being able to provide people who are really hungry for information what they want.” Then Walter Isaacson, the famous writer and biographer, hit boyz in the face when he said, “I think when money starts to corrupt journalism, it undermines the journalism, and it undermines the credibility of the product, and you end up not succeeding.”

Well playboys… now that Famous Jameis has announced that he’s leavin’ Florida State to enter the NFL draft. All of these media type cats that were hatin’ on him just two months ago are now tryin’ to regain their credibility by back trackin’ on their idiotic comments about his draft status. All of these duns that allowed their emotions to speak on their behalf had ole boy gettin’ drafted late or fallin’ off of the draft board all together in October. Now everybody is focusin' on his talent and tellin' boyz why he's probably the best prospect on the board! Ain't that a blip!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Their opinions of him before had absolutely nothin’ with football, his ability to play or the facts of any of the so-called off the field issues. They just didn’t like him because they were too lazy to do their homework on the foolishness surroundin’ him. This dun, Mel Kiper Jr., said on national freakin’ television one night that he’d dropped ole boy from No.3 on his draft board to No.26 when Florida State announced that they were goin’ to have the silly student hearin’ to cover their butts with the same facts that the freakin’ police and the prosecutor’s office already told us weren’t enough to even arrest him with.

Now excuse me playa, but what team does Mel Kiper work for again? Since when does he have the say on when and where a boy gets drafted? And what 23 duns breathin’ all of a sudden became better than Jameis Winston? His emotions made a fool of him for even sayin’ that. But now all of a sudden because his credibility is on the line Jameis Winston is the second rated quarterback on his draft board and that’s only because he doesn’t like him. You and I both know that Marcus Mariota is an Oregon system quarterback that has no future in the NFL. Jameis' upside is ridicuous because he's a drop back quarterback that can read defenses.  

Not only is Mel back trackin’ but the rest of these cats are followin' suit. See it was vogue to holler out loud that he was fallin’ in the draft because of the foolishness that wasn’t foolishness because everybody else with a platform was sayin’ the same thing. I told you boyz that he wasn’t fallin’ anywhere because he has the DNA that very few people in the WORLD have bruh!

He has a cannon, can read defenses and possesses the most important asset in all of sports, the “It” factor playboy! He wins! How many people dead or alive can walk into an NFL interview and tell a boy that he was 29-1 in college, won a national championship and a Heisman Trophy? How many GM’s dead or alive are gonna pass on him because he got hooked up with $32 worth of crab legs and had sex with a lyin’ co-ed?

If you so-called journalists would have taken your jobs seriously and done your homework you would have known that the sexual assault foolishness was just that. Why? Because you would have read the 86 page report like I did. You would have already seen the sworn affidavits and witness testimonies includin’ those from the alleged victim that changed her story 5 times durin’ the report! Since you didn’t do your homework, I did it for you when I broke the whole joint down on my Video Rant “The Truth is in the Details: Jameis Winston!”

Off the field issues? What off the field issues? Off the field issues is what Marcus Vick had goin’ on playa! Brandishin’ a gun to boyz in a McDonald’s parkin’ lot, bein’ an alleged shooter at Mike’s birthday party, havin’ sex with underage girls and gettin’ convicted of a DUI are off the field issues bruh. Havin’ sex and gettin’ free crab legs from a dun workin’ at the supermarket aren’t off the field issues.

Again, are you gonna pass on him because he had sex and ate some crab legs pimpin’? Sure, he stood up on a table on the student union and made a fool of himself but a 20 year old college student gets a pass on that one. Boyz do worse everyday.

So you’re the GM for Tampa or New York and that dun is on the table and you’re tellin’ me that you’ve got the gonads to tell your owner that you can’t draft him because he likes women and seafood? In my Ochocinco voice, “CHILD PLEASE!!!!”

Character issues keep boyz from gettin’ drafted high not broads that lie about bein’ raped or store managers that can’t control groupie employees from givin’ away food.

So again, all of these suckas in the media that were screamin’ to the top of their lungs that he’d fall in the draft are now lookin’ to save face this week by sayin’ that he’s gonna be the first pick or at the very least the second. Why? Because they don’t wanna look stupid in front of their audiences the day after the draft.

Funny how that works ain’t it? One cat decides that he doesn’t like him and then everybody else in the media jumps in the car with him. The problem with that thinkin’ was that they were so sure that ole boy would get thrown out of school as a result of the stupid hearin’ that he’d never get drafted at the top of the board anyway.

Well you idiots! If you had taken the time to read the 86 page report you would have known that the rape case was garbage and that it would have no barin’ on his draft status. But that sounds too much like havin’ to do your job though huh?

Stop tryin’ to bypass the natural order of doin’ things bruh! You sound like the clowns on the Everest commercial. “I didn’t want to take classes that I really didn’t need. I wanted to hurry up and finish so that I could start my career! I wanted to be done in 8 months.” You can’t have a career without puttin’ in the work playa! You may as well hook up with Lil’ Romeo and go to ICDC College while you’re at it.

Just so you know I was the only dun tellin’ you boyz all the way back to last spring that Jameis Winston wasn’t goin’ anywhere in terms of his draft status. Why? Because I did my homework! Ya’ll gone start listenin’ me and stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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