Poppin' Bottles (How Marshawn not talkin' to the media is like a boy stuntin' at the club)

"I'm thankful I'm losin' bread for bein' hard headed!"
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn.” Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military general and philosopher, gave it to us like this, “If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.” Then Epitectus, the ancient Greek philosopher, poured a lil’ liquor out for all the dead homies and said, “Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant.”

Well bruh…it looks like Epitectus needs to come holler at ole dull Marshawn Lynch right now because his wealth is gonna dry up quick, fast and in a hurry if he doesn’t learn how to play the game. Know I’m not talkin’ about the game of football playa. I’m talkin’ about the game of life! On Friday ole boy was notified that he’d lost his appeal to the league on bein’ fined and he’ll have to cough up the 100 stacks he’s owes them for bein’ fined for simply not talkin’ to the media after ball games.

In November he blew off the media after their game against the Chiefs so they hit him for 50 racks and then they went back and got the 50 he owed them from last year that they were gonna let ride but he keeps trippin’. Now he’s gotta come out of the whole 100!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Marshawn Lynch is a professional football player not an amateur. What that means pimpin’, is that when he signed that freakin’ contract to play in the National Football League it comes with certain responsibilities! One of those is talkin’ to the media after the freakin’ games. So if that is part of your job description then you gotta do your freakin’ job.

After their win against the Panthers on Saturday night he met with the media but was a complete idiot in the process with the whole “I'm Thankful” response to every question. On some real talk, it was funny the first time he did it earlier this year when he kept respondin’, “I appreciate you askin’” to every question but know it’s stupid and immature. Sure, by simply respondin' to the question keeps him from bein' fined but he looks like a fool and not a professional athlete.

Here’s my dun that has never set one foot out of the ghetto before in his life. “Man he don’t have to meet with the media if he don’t want to bruh! He’s a football player not a speaker! You trippin’ Jay! Where you from?” I’m from where you’re from playa but I understand how the world of business works!

The more bread they pay you the more your job responsibility increases. This isn’t a mouth breather’s job Marshawn’s doin’ bruh! They pay that dun a whole lot of bread to run around out there on that field. Most if not all of the revenue generated to pay his butt (and that’s the edited version) comes from the fans that wanna hear his legitimate responses to those questions. The media is the reason why the fans get to watch the game. The sponsors are the duns that pay the teams and the networks need the extra air time created by the dun answerin’ questions after the game to fulfill the commitments to the sponsors. So guess what playa? When you start messn’ with other people’s bread because you don’t wanna step outside of the ghetto walls of your mind that’s a problem.

Think about this bruh, the average life span of an NFL player is three and a half years. Sure, Marshawn has exceeded that because he’s been in the league for seven. However, this is the most money that he’s ever gonna make in his life and he’s givin’ bread away because he doesn’t want to holla at a boy? Do you realize that 100 stacks is a regular cat’s mortgage and he just gave it away on GP? Wheredeydodatat?

When his career is over he’ll look back at all of the bread he gave away for bein’ stupid and hard headed. Duns in the real world are no different. It's like the fool at 28 that doesn’t think about all the dumb stuff (edited version) they do like buyin’ bottles at the club. They’ll charge his dumb butt (edited version) $250 to $500 for a bottle of somethin’ that they can buy at the “L” for $35. But they do it every week!

Here’s my ghetto bird chirpin’ again. “Man what does him talkin’ to the media have to do with the fans and sponsors? You ain’t makin’ sense bruh!” OK, let me put it where the goats can get it for you playa.

If you’re a barber down at June’s Chop Shop deep in the hood and you’re one of the best dun’s in the buildin’. You’ve got crazy skills but you never clean up around you work-station. So its hair and foolishness everywhere and customers really don’t wanna sit in your seat because the joint is a mess.

Now your job description says barber and not custodian but in the shop you gotta do all of the other things to keep the customers happy like, clean up around your spot. When you took the job they told you that and now they’ve fined you $400 today because you wouldn’t listen. Does it makes sense to keep leavin’ the joint a mess and losin’ money or does it make sense to go ahead and do what they’ve asked you to do? It’s simple playa, if you have a job to do just do it. Marshawn isn’t the only cat that doesn’t like every aspect of their job. But he’s the only cat that’s givin’ money away that thinks it’s funny. Holla at that dun when he’s 48 and see how funny it is. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Ghetto Playa's Thesaurus:
1) Dull: term used to describe a boy by simply shakin’ your head when you say his name. As if to say I’m disgusted with this clown at this point.
2) Stacks or racks: another word for $1000.00 A grand
3) Mouth Breather Job: A job that only requires a boy to be there. Just stand right here and don’t think on your own.
4) GP: General Purposes, just because, for no reason
5) The “L”: liquor store, the package store
6) Ghetto Bird: resident of the ghetto
7) Chirpin’: talkin’ crazy, not makin’ sense
Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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