Dead Wrong (Why Redskins fans are as much to blame as Daniel Snyder for the name not changin')

"Wrong is Wrong bruh!"
Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist who founded analytical psychology, once said, “The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.” Matisyahu, the American reggae rapper, made a boy pause with, “I think there is a tendency for people to get rigid and caught up in their beliefs of what is right and wrong, and they lose sight of humanity. Being human has to come first before right or wrong.” Then William Lloyd Garrison, the famous abolitionist, asked the important question, “Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependent upon popular opinion?”

Well playboy, it sure looks to be that way when it comes to the discussion of whether ole dull Daniel Snyder should change the name of the Washington Redskins to somethin’ that isn’t offense to Native Americans. This dun went so far as to hire a blogger, Ben Tribblet, to help defend his stance on it. However, after only two weeks on the job ole boy quit because of all of the personal attacks he’s been gettin’! Ya think?

It’s a freakin’ shame that in 2014 we’re still wrestlin’ with a boy over what is offensive and what isn’t. The crazy thing about this whole situation is that people know what’s offensive but they choose to stick their heads in the sand. It just depends upon what side of the fence they’re standin’ on as to whether they care or not.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If these teams were named after their ethnic or social groups usin’ derogatory names boyz would be fired up. If there was a team called the New Jersey Jews the name wouldn’t last fifteen minutes. Just think if there was an owner that decided to name his team the Atlanta Sugar Pies, the St. Louis Slaves or the New York N-words! How much would boyz riot if they renamed the 49ers the San Francisco Homosexuals and had an offensive lookin’ picture on the side of the helmet? It would be an all-out civil war in this piece.

See nobody’s trippin’ on the Redskin sittin’ on the side of the helmet because the foolishness isn’t directed toward them or anybody that they know. So it’s all good to 99 percent of boyz walkin’ around because most Native Americans in this country are livin’ on reservations and they don’t have to see them. Which is foul balls any way you look at it playa.

It’s no different than the drug problem in the U.S. in the ‘70’s and the ‘80’s. As long as the heroin and crack stayed in the ghetto it was all good. Then all of a sudden kids in the suburbs started gettin’ strung out and it became a problem. Drugs in the U.S. are now considered to be at epidemic proportions. Naw playboy, it’s the same as it’s always been its just sittin’ in your livin’ room now. You can touch it and feel because it knocked on your door, came in and squatted on your floor if you're livin' in the burbs.

If there was a team named the Florida F-words, the Texas Wet Backs or somethin’ like that boyz would be tearin’ the joint up. Why? Because that’s a problem to most folks out here bruh! The Native American isn't of any importance to them.

Just because you aren’t Native American or know any doesn’t mean that the Redskin name isn’t offensive bruh! Stop only bein’ concerned with what involves you and yours. If it’s wrong it’s wrong! Daniel Snyder knows that it’s offensive, he’s just bein’ a butt wipe on a power trip that nobody is gonna tell him what to do.

If folks really got serious and stop buyin’ those freakin’ tickets he’d change the name overnight. But since nobody cares about the plight of the American Indian or their feelings it’s gonna remain the Redskins! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo is REAL today playboy!

1 comment:

  1. Nobody and I mean nobody ever thought the term Redskin was offensive when Iwas growing up. It described a proud group of people who lived on this Land before anyone else. They were fierce and loyal to their community. The WASP , the Dego, the Pollock, are all words that describe a group of people. We may not llike these terms but the people who are in them say " yes that's who I am".Redskin is not the new " N" word. To say so would be to disgrace all those who suffered for equality..the "N" word means less than human.this is not what Dego, WASP, Pollock, or Redskin means.we aren't giving the right never to be offended in this CCountry. We are giving the first Amendment and to have the Government interferwith that is disturbing.


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