Jacked Up (How the ESPN carjacked Famous Jameis' Heisman chances)

"Naw playboy, thanks to the dull media I'm going back to College Station!"
Walter Benjamin, the German philosopher, was a G when he said, “It is precisely the purpose of the public opinion generated by the press to make the public incapable of judging, to insinuate into it the attitude of someone irresponsible, uninformed.” Boyd Rice, the famous musician, got up and said, “I think this society suffers so much from too much freedom, too many rights that allow people to be irresponsible.” Then David Chappelle jumped out of the bushes and said, “I was doing sketches that were funny but socially irresponsible. I felt I was deliberately being encouraged and I was overwhelmed.”

When is ole dull ESPN going to start feeling overwhelmed for being irresponsible bruh? Just because other news outlets reported the Jameis Winston investigation doesn’t mean that the so-called “World Wide Leader In Sports” should have dived on top of a story that essentially had no legs.

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It was news and needed to be reported. However, it had no teeth because like I explained to boyz yesterday in the Hot Joint entitled "Doin' a Solid" that it looked like some old gangsta business to me. So report it and then have real conversations about what’s really going on.

Once a dun like ESPN grabs the joint and runs with it people stop trying to figure out the truth. If ESPN says it, he did it. Who cares if TMZ runs the freakin' story! Aren't they the same duns that hide in boyz bushes in front of cat's cribs and chases people down the street for stories?

That’s why formidable commentary breaking down some real life examples of why none of this makes any sense like I did yesterday is important so that duns don’t just run out in the streets with bad information. That’s journalism bruh!

Journalism would be to find out why a boy sat on a possible sexual assault case for 11 months. Journalism would be to find out why the Tallahassee police never spoke with the kid nor charged him with a crime, closed the case and then passed it over to the state's attorney's office because some fool leaked the story. Journalism would be to call it foolishness when you can smell the horse head in the freakin' bed.

This cat is fighting to win both a Heisman and a national championship at this point. Now you’ve got dull media out here that have a vote in the Heisman race saying that they won’t vote for him now because of his involvement in the case. Involvement? If he was never interviewed nor charged how involved can he be?

That’s dull playboy because if the freakin’ police had the information and decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to even talk to the kid then it’s garbage. It’s FLORIDA for crying out loud! Don’t think for one minute that if they had enough evidence to put that dun in jail last year they would have?

Keep in mind that this is the same Florida that allowed George Zimmerman to walk out of a court room a free man after killing Trayvon Martin using the stand your ground law. However, Marissa Alexander is serving a 20 year prison sentence for firing a warning shot at her husband because he was whopping her butt and the stand your ground law didn’t apply for her.

My point here is this, boyz in Florida will put yo butt in jail at the drop of a hat, especially a young black male. So don’t you think that if the Tallahassee police had enough evidence to prosecute Jameis 11 months ago they would have?

Here we go, here’s my roof top screamer again, “Hey dawg you’re pulling the race card and this case has nothing to do with race!” Listen up playboy, race is always a factor.

Here are the facts bruh, 1 in 6 black men have been incarcerated as of 2001. If the current trend continues 1 in 3 black males can expect to spend time in prison in their lifetime. African Americans and Hispanics make up 58% of the total prison population but they only make up 25% of the US population. According to Unlocking America, if African Americans and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates as whites for the same crimes, the prison population would decline by 50%.

So therefore, boyz are more willing to send a brother to jail than not. So obviously the Tallahassee police had absolutely nothing to work with because if they would have they would have put his butt in jail 11 months ago.

To my original point playboy, if ESPN is going to call themselves the “World Wide Leader In Sports” there has to be a certain level of responsibility on their part to report and then call it foolishness when it’s foolishness. Now this kid has all but lost the Heisman race because of jacked up journalism and dull cats with irresponsible voting rights!

Now on some real talk, Johnny Manziel is having a better year than he did last year and should win the joint. However, these fools have all but given the joint to him hands down with this foolishness. Any cat that was on the fence to vote for Jameis has gotten down by now.

Now if you're tired of boyz faking like they know something about sports and real life then you need to hurry up and subscribe to TheJayGravesReport playboy and stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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