The Gangsta Walk (How both the state attorney & ESPN are destroying Jameis Winston)

"Really bruh?"

On Thanksgiving whenever all of the real homies get together to play cards they always try to one up the next cat with thought provoking stuff. The Dalai Lama will put his tea down and say, “When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.” Alan Cohen, the great businessman, will swirl his Scotch around before he finishes it off and hit us with, “Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” Then the big homie, Alphonse Karr, the 19th century French novelist, will get real on boyz and spit, “Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.”

Well at this point Jameis Winston is just thankful for the freakin’ stem. Like I said in the Classic Hot Joint a week ago entitled "It's Either Or Bruh" either you’re going to charge this dun or you're not? All of the foolishness is starting to get to the point of, REALLY?!

These clowns down at the Florida State Attorney’s Office are now telling boyz that it’ll be at least two more weeks before they even decide to charge this cat. Why? Because it’s called "The Gangsta Walk” playboy! In layman’s terms, “lets slow walk the situation to accomplish what we sat out to do; keep this dun from winning the Heisman and hopefully get him suspended so that he doesn’t finish out the season.” With him sitting it makes it easier for somebody else to win both the Heisman and the national title. That’s real talk bruh!

Like I said before, if the cat is guilty then send him to jail because I've got a wife, a daughter, a momma and a sister. However, if you’re playing with this kid’s life and his future then shame on you. Now ESPN  and other media outlets are reporting that ole boy has been involved in two other incidents to just to pile on.

It’s like a boy that has already eaten everything that Big Momma has cooked for Thanksgiving but he’s still hangin’ around the kitchen looking for something else. He continues to eat until he gets sick and throws up. Then blames Big Momma for not cleaning the chitterlings good enough. Then a boy’s gotta get cut cuz Big Momma don’t play.

Ole dull these duns are reporting that in November of 2012 a month before the alleged sexual assault took place, that police questioned Winston but didn’t charge him with a crime when he and other football players were having a BB gun fight at the apartment complex near the stadium where 13 windows were broken.

Then they completely jumped into the garbage can with Oscar the freakin’ Grouch and are reporting that a Burger King employee called the police to say that Winston was stealing soda! From the all you can drink joint? Are you freakin’ kidding me? That's college kid foolishness 101! They called that "eatemous bookemous" when I was in college playa!

Is this what journalism has come to bruh? He was an 18 year old freshman in college when that happened. If we start running down all of the foolishness that college kids do we’d be here all night. How often does an 18 year old freshman do some dumb ish? How often does a 22 year old senior do the same ignorance?

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If this dun were guilty of a crime they would have arrested him by now. You’ve got her word, a so-called rape kit and the DNA puts him in the draws. In real life that’s enough to charge a boy. But in real life when the story sounds fishy and crazy it’s not. So either charge this kid or move on.

I can’t believe that the powers that be would stretch this out like this for both the alleged victim and Winston.

Then I’m watching these duns on ESPN (Jessie Palmer in particular, a Florida Gator) telling boyz that if Winston should happen to be charged and subsequently suspended, even if they are undefeated, he wouldn’t vote for them to play in the national title game because they aren’t the same team without him.

This is the type of foolishness that blows my mind bruh! Sure, they wouldn’t be the same team without him but they would be the team that deserves to play for the championship because they’d still be undefeated! Who gives you the right to say that the rest of the team shouldn’t play because Famous Jameis got arrested? That’s IF he gets arrested bruh.

Here goes my delusional cat that's always screaming from the roof top, "Why do you always single out ESPN? They aren't the only media outlet covering sports!" I single them out because they are the "World Wide Leader In Sports" playboy! What channel does 98% of boyz turn to in the morning for their sporting news? ES freakin' PN! And will watch the same re-run over and over until they walk out of the door. That's why! So because they've got boyz signed, sealed and delivered everyday then you gotta be more responsible in what you say and how you say it. If it's foolishness then call it foolishness. I know you've got to report the news of the day but if it sounds crazy then say it.

These cats need to watch game film of themselves sometimes playboy! Because if they did they would say to themselves, “Did I really say that bruh?” Yes you did you idiot and there are millions of people hanging on your every word because 90% of duns walking the earth can’t think for themselves. So whatever you say most folks take it as word! Therefore, you at least need to be responsible in thinking first before you just say something stupid. I know that I’m not making any friends in the media out here but Ima keep it real or otherwise I'm no different than the next cat and I know that all of the REAL playas are feelin' me on that. So stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @ jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!


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