Card Pullin' (Why Jonathon Martin is to blame)

"You mean I gotta tell Big Momma that I quit? Man...I didn't even think about that!"
William Shakespeare once said, “To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” David Brinkley, the famous newscaster, dapped a boy up and said, “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” Then Martin Luther King Jr. shut the building down when he spit, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Well ole Jonathon Martin of the Miami Dolphins showed the world the measure of his manhood when he essentially quit the team when a dun named Richie Incognito bullied him. Y’all know how I do bruh! I wait until all of the talking heads have jumped off of the cliff and then I’ll tell you what really needs to be said. So let’s get it in!

First of all, is Richie Incognito what Tom Jackson called him on Monday Night Countdown, a racist? Absolutely! Did he take advantage of ole boy? Sure he did! Was he a bully? Most definitely! Is he a problem for the Miami Dolphins? Sure he is! Is he to blame for all of this foolishness? He’s only partially to blame for this ignorance. I’d say that he’s 25% responsible. So who’s responsible for the other 75%? The duns that allowed it to go on in the first place, Jonathon Martin and his freakin’ parents.

Now that we’ve gotten the politically correct answers out of the way let’s talk turkey. How does a grown “A” man tell a boy that somebody is bullying him? This clown is 6’5” 312 lbs. telling folks that somebody is bothering him. That’s the first freakin’ problem with this foolishness that nobody is addressing. Where is Big Momma when you need her? Ain’t no way you’re walking into Madea’s house telling her that you just quit your job in the NFL because some dun named Richie was bothering you! Not when she just moved out of the hood, learned how to use that new dish washer and now her car starts on the first rip. No way playboy!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Where is Jonathon Martin from? I mean really from? Yeah, I know that he’s from Pittsburgh but where? Is there a section of town called “Softville or ThankYouSirMayIHaveAnother-ville?” Because you can’t be that soft and grown I don’t care where you’re from.

Rule 1, Article 2, Section 5 of the Hood Survival Handbook says specifically that a bully DOES NOT want to fight he just wants to bully. So if you know that rule then you’re all good bruh. First of all, real G’s don’t bother folks in the hood. Gangstas or the most popular cats in school, athletes etc. don’t mess with nerds or duns that are at the bottom of the to-tem pole. Why? Because they aren’t a threat to them. Boyz only have beef over territory and money. And oh yes, women are considered territory playboy! They don’t beef for the sake of beefin’. The cat that isn’t moving in your direction, trying to get what you’ve got or trying to get is invisible.

So any fool walking around bothering people is only trying to show out and isn’t looking for a fight. If ole Jonathon had simply read the freakin’ handbook he’d know that. Secondly, you don’t have to be able to beat the guy up that’s doing the bullying bruh. You just gotta be able to throw the first punch. Once the first punch is thrown boyz WILL take sides. You’re never in a fight alone as long as you got boyz. It’s over in a matter of seconds and you can move about freely.

So what does all of this tell you about Jonathon Martin? It tells you that he doesn’t have any boys and that Incognito wasn’t the only dun in that locker room punking him. When you listened to the interviews of the other players they were trying to down play it like it was all hazing, even the brothers. The problem is, he's not a rookie so why is he still being hazed? Because he doesn't stand up for himself.
In the real world on the job you can’t just step to a boy that’s being racist or bothering you and fire on him because you can get fired. If you’re school aged you can get suspended or expelled so it doesn't make sense to fight. However, professional sports in one of the rare places that you can get it in and not get fired.

So why in the world would a grown man allow a cat to leave this message on his voicemail and we don’t hear about the team suspending Jonathon Martin for the rest of the season for assault? “"Hey, wassup, you half n----- piece of s---. I saw you on Twitter, you been training 10 weeks. [I want to] s--- in your f---ing mouth. [I'm going to] slap your f---ing mouth. [I'm going to] slap your real mother across the face [laughter]. F--- you, you're still a rookie. I'll kill you."

Here’s why playa. Because boyz are raising kids to be soft now days. Everybody wants to claim that they are being bullied even if it’s just kids being kids. Who didn’t get teased or messed with at some point growing up? Here was the difference between back in the day and now bruh! At some point you had to let a boy know that “I ain’t the one.” When I was growing up it was called “Pulling a boy’s card” and when you pulled it the teasing stopped regardless of who won the fight. Why? Because the bully never intended to fight he just wanted to bully.

All Martin had to do was stand up for himself but he decided to let some cat take not only his manhood but his livelihood too! SMH and stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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