The Art of War (LeBron's talking crazy)

"Apologies? Where you from bruh? We don't apologize, we just ride!"
Zig Zigler, the ultimate salesman and author, once said, "The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty." Colin Powell hit boyz off with, Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence." Joyce Maynard, the famous author, poured out a lil' liquor for all of the dead homies and said, A person who deserves my loyalty receives it."

Ole Joyce is the only one of these duns that sounds like she grew up in the streets! I know Colin is from the Bronx but he must have lost all of his ghetto instincts once he posted up in Washington! Well a couple of days ago LeBron said what boyz were thinking but wouldn't say about the way KG and Paul Pierce treated Ray Allen when he left Boston.

 He said, "I think the first thing I thought was, 'Wow, Ray got killed for leaving Boston, and now these guys are leaving Boston! I think it's OK; I didn't mind it. But there were a couple guys who basically [expletive] on Ray for leaving, and now they're leaving."

Ole boy had a right to throw it out there but then he started acting like he wasn't from the hood either. This dun went on to say that both KG and Paul owed Ray an apology! Now I'm all in for some ride or die mentality with your squad but telling a boy that he owes some cat an apology ain't how to express it!

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! KG was a real G when he fired back on Thursday, "Tell LeBron to worry about Miami. It has nothing to do with Celtic business!" And he's right! So in worrying about Miami's business he's got to tell Ray to screw them cats! And that's the edited version bruh! Being loyal is ridin' with a dun and making it known that if you got beef with him then you got beef with me! Where's LeBron from telling boyz that they owe some cat an apology? Wheredeydodatat?

If you're beefin' with my dude then you beefin' with the whole squad and we rolling deep! No apologies necessary just watch your step out here. That's loyalty! Ray Allen keeps makin' a fool out of himself trying to shake that dun's (KG) hand before the games. If he ain't hollerin', then you ain't hollerin'! You gotta pull a Snoop Gin & Juice on 'em, "Back up off of him and sit yo cup down" bruh! It's just that simple!

Cuz on some real talk, he did the same thing you did the year before. Sure, KG got traded but it was really on some free agency type stuff because he decided to let Boston trade him for better pastures even though he had a "No-trade" clause in his contract! So he did was what was best for he, his family and his career. The Celtics are gonna be horrible this year and he and Paul knew that so they got out of town before the roof collapsed!

KG is my favorite player of all-time because of the intensity that he plays with night in and night out! This cat is going to play a Tuesday night in February with the same intensity as Game 3 of the Finals! That's the example that these young cats need to see on a regular. Well guess what playa? That type of intensity doesn't apologize to duns even when it wrong. That comes with the package playboy!

LeBron just needs to understand that the game of basketball ain't no different than the streets! It's ride or die once you get in the car with me and we ain't looking for apologies! We're lookin' to beat boyz heads in out here if you step to us wrong or get in the our way! Stop me when I start lyin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn't real but its REAL talk!

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