The 3 Stooges (Texans release 3 idiot rookies)

Sam:"Hey coach I can't tell Big Momma that I've been cut!" Coach: Don't know what to tell you bruh!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Jim Morrison stood up and shouted, "A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself." Then John Wooden pulled up bumpin' some Tupac and said, "I think you have to be what you are. Don't try to be somebody else. You have to be yourself at all times."

Well...for some folks being yourself ain't always a good idea playboy, especially if you're an idiot! On Monday the Houston Texans cut three rookies from their roster for smoking weed at the team hotel on Saturday while they were in town for their game against the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday.  Keep in mind that the Texans have now lost 5 straight so their tolerance level for foolishness is at zero.

Sam Montgomery, Cierre Wood and Willie Jefferson were all kicked off of the team for being, for lack of a better word, some fools! You're in town for a game bruh, not to watch it but to play in it.  You're a PROFESSIONAL athlete! That means that you make a living playing a game! That means that you're in town on business and didn't handle yours!

What I wanna know is how do you call Big Momma and explain that one to her! She's sacrificed everything just to get you out of the hood to go off to college so that you could show case all of that talent then you make it to the NFL and blow it on a blunt. That's a long ride home playboy. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! One of my oldest friends in the world, Vincent Goods, always says to put it on his head stone, "People don't change, times do!" Ole dull Sam Montgomery, the only one of these duns that was even drafted, hasn't taken the opportunity seriously from jump.

He was a third round pick that hadn't played the first 7 games of the season because he showed up to rookie camp in the spring out of shape and got hurt. Then he showed up to fall camp out of shape again and they put him on the non-football injury list. Dull with extra sauce on the side!

Neither Wood or Jefferson were even drafted and they've got the nerve to be smoking a blunt in the team hotel. Wood went to Notre Dame so he's at least smart enough to know better right? Wrong! Because some duns are stupid outside of the classroom.

Then ole dull Jefferson, which is just as smart academically as Wood because he went to Baylor, ended up getting kicked out of that joint for being stupid outside of the classroom and finishing his college career at Stephen F. Austin. Do you see the pattern bruh?

There are only 1,696 people in the freakin' world that can play in the NFL and they put smoking weed ahead of that opportunity! Understand this playa, being yourself can sometimes get you in a lot of trouble. Don't listen to boyz telling you that you need to be yourself if you're an idiot. You gotta learn how to be the person that is going to put you in a position to become successful.

Being born in sin and shaped in inequity ain't just some preacher talk bruh! That's real life. When babies come into this world you don't have to teach them how to do things wrong. They already know how to be disobedient from the womb. You spend all of your time teaching them how to do things right. So when a boy tells you that it's OK to be yourself ignore him.

Being yourself is sinful by nature! Be the person that's going to get you to where you're trying to go. And if that's playing in the NFL then you can't be yourself and smoke weed in the team hotel just because you felt like it!

Now I'm not judging anybody my dude. So if you wanna smoke weed do yo thang! But understand this, if you're going to take your career to another level then doing drugs ain't yo friend. Why? Because when boyz start paying real money, drug tests ride shotgun with the money pimpin'!

Just to keep the money flowing you're going to have to drop every now and then and it's not worth ruining a career to get high. I'd rather get high from seeing my salary increase and my bonuses double! I'm just sayin!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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