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"I'm tellin' my momma on y'all!" |
The 1st century Latin writer of maxims, Publilius Syrus, once said, “A good reputation is more valuable than money.” Abraham Lincoln said down at the car wash, “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Then William Shakespeare gathered boyz into a huddle in the barber shop and said, “Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.”
Well ole Tim Tebow had the reputation of a winner and most deservingly so then the New York Jets put him out there bad and now he’s got the reputation of a bust. They played ole boy crazy by bringing him in with the huge press conference and all of the fan fair only to bury this dun in the bench even though they were losing with an outright lame.
Even when Sanchez was horrible they by-passed him and played the 3rd team Joe, McElroy, in front of him. Don’t tell me that he didn’t play him because he couldn’t throw the freaking football because he couldn’t throw that joint when he won 8 of 9 in Denver and won more playoff games than dull Peyton Manning did last year playboy.
Now because he rode the pine all year and boyz like playa hatin’ tight suit wearing Merrill Hodge talked crazy about him for an entire season he’s now poison. Nobody’s bold enough to pick this cat up now so his career is probably toast at this point. Reputation is everything bruh!
It's like the cat that took the sweet and innocent girl to the prom and then went back to school lying about his evening with her. Now nobody wants to date her because this clown ruined her rep! That's Tim Tebow right now bruh!
Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes first! If he won more playoff games than Peyton did then Denver wasted about $90 million right? If we’re gonna talk playboy, then let’s talk! Don’t tell me that the cat can’t play quarterback in the NFL because I watched that dun play and win. Call it a miracle or happen stance or whatever. That dun won ball games and Sanchez didn’t. So he at least should have been given the opportunity to play.
Here we go, I hear the Tebow haters screaming from the roof tops, “You gotta be able to throw the football to win in the NFL and he only won because of his defense.” So you gotta be able to throw the football huh? Did the other 20 teams that didn't make the playoffs have duns that could throw it? More specifically, did the 17 teams with losing records have quarterbacks that could throw it? Tell me how that worked out for them? Cam Newton & Sam Bradford could hit a squirrel from 60 yards out. Neither one can win right now playa.
Boyz forget how terrible Trent Dilpher was in Baltimore and how horrible the Punky QB, Jim McMahon, was in Chicago and they both won Super Bowls. Now I’m not saying that Tebow would win a Super Bowl but if those duns could win one he sure as heck could get on the field and win games because he’s a winner by nature bruh! I don't care if he has to push the ball down the field with his nose. If he can win ball games then he needs to be playing!
Coming out of the University of Florida he was a two time national champ and Heisman Trophy winner with the leadership skills of a General. His DNA says that he’s the type of cat you want in your locker room.
Now on some real talk, going forward if he wants to continue to play in the NFL he needs to take those offers to play tight end that some teams have presented to him. His rep is shot now as a QB so he needs to be a G and change positions so he can keep playing.
Boyz have been doing it for years and found success. Just look at Antwaan Randle El and Hines Ward who were both quarterbacks in college and went on to win Super Bowls. Sydney Rice moved over to wide receiver and extended his career too. There are countless others that have done it too.
Just don’t be like ole dull Tim Crouch from Nebraska and be stubborn and refuse to move to wide out when the Rams drafted him. This dun gave the $395K in signing bonus back and quit. Where is he now? Probably somewhere wishing he had that $395k back! Don't be that dude, Tebow! Stop me when I start lyin’!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
The quote under the caption isn't real but it's hilarious bruh!
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