Amend This!!

"The numbers don't lie homeboy!"

Confucius once said, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” Winston Churchill gave it to us like this, “Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.”

However, in order to use all of that potential you’ve got to be alive bruh. That’s the X-factor that nobody wants to talk about. When Benji Wilson, probably the greatest high school basketball player to ever live, was murdered in 1984 he was using all of that potential. When Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and then himself, his 3 month old baby girl hadn’t even began to understand what potential was.

The homicide rate in Chicago has gone over 400 this year and all of those young cats are being buried with their potential in their back pockets. When I was growing up in Gary, In., that has been known as the murder capital of the U.S. on more occasions than I care to remember, potential has always been left on the side of the road with boyz dying young homeboy. The 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary school were killed while discovering their potential.

They didn’t all die simply because some cat was mad or upset. They all died because some cat was mad or upset with a gun in his hand! Folks blow me away always wanting to scream the Second Amendment but have no idea the history of it. The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. However, it was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The early American settlers viewed the right to arms or the right to bear arms for the purpose of deterring undemocratic government, repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, facilitating a natural right of self-defense, participating in law enforcement and enabling the people to organize a militia system.

None of these duns that are committing these crimes are participating in any of those activities when innocent people are being killed. Were the cats at Columbine organizing a militia or deterring an undemocratic government when they shot up the joint killing 12 people? Was the clown that shot up the movie theater in Aurora Colorado killing 12 and injuring 58 repelling an invasion? Are all of the kids in the ghetto that die from gun violence everyday being killed because some cat is participating in law enforcement or suppressing insurrection?

Naw bruh, it’s because the Second Amendment that was adopted in 1791 is no longer suitable for 2012 and beyond. The world has changed and the statistics show that more often than not a person with a gun becomes the aggressor and not the person trying to protect his or herself. I know there are cats that hunt and I’m cool with that but boyz that are hunting don’t need a chopper or any other semi-automatic weapon unless they’re hunting human beings like all of the above examples show. So don’t talk to me about the Second Amendment when folks are hunting down more human beings than deer!

I can hear some clown in the background right now saying, “I’ve got guns but they’re all locked up in a safe at the crib but I need them to protect myself.” Listen here playa, if a boy comes through your window in the middle of the night. He’s gonna be in your bed before you can unlock the safe so it’s a waste of time for you to have it.

Ole girl who’s son just shot up Sandy Hook was a gun collector that kept them in a safe place too. The only problem was that she showed her mentally ill son how to shoot them and how to get them out of the safe! Now 26 people are dead because she had the right to possess them and she wasn’t responsible enough to have them. Now when you can show me that more lives are being saved than taken as a result of having them in this sick world, I’ll agree with you.

The problem is, I live in the world of what is and not the world of what should be! Boyz have been dying in the hood from gun violence my entire life so you can’t tell me that they are saving lives because I didn’t read about it, I’ve seen it first hand! But on some real talk, the cats selling guns this morning are making more bread than ever before because when these types of situations occur the more guns go out of the door! It never ends bruh! Y’all stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter:@jaygravesreport


  1. I think the root problem is kids growing up with 1 parent...bad parents perpetuate their lifestyle to the kids.

  2. Stupid USEFULIDIOTS are the ONLY people asking the government be the ONLY ones with guns. The 2nd Amendment is not outdated and to say otherwise is naive. Armed security at all schools is the ONLY answer! All gun control is nothing more than government control of "The People"! Government should always fear "The People" and not the other way around!

  3. Oh shut up Anonymousdumb! Your choose to be afraid that the govt will turn on you, instead of accepting the fact that kids are dying because of guns. John Stewart got it so right, and u better listen! Your fear of a dystopic future, prevents u fr seeing clearly our dystopic present! You are scared of an imaginary Hitler! Govt should always fear the people and not the other way around? Who's telling you that Americans right now are afraid of Uncle Sam? Dude, the only segment of our US population that is scared of our govt are all you gun freaks! For an imaginary Hitler!! But i know, nothing in this will get thru u! You still love your 2nd amendment right, that's was never meant for our forefathers to be interpreted like u morons do! Wake up from your twisted ideology! The reality is people, kids are dying more in this country than in any other country because of guns! U claim, more guns is the solution to decrease crime rate! Dude, americans already got 80million guns in the hands of civilians! And we still have the highest deaths due to guns! Guns dont make u safe dude. It makes u dangerous! And u dont believe a word im sayin, coz u sir is a fuck in the head!


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