No Harm No Foul!

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!"
Now that the college basketball season has jumped off the never ending debate does too! Who will be this year's One & Done freshman phenom that doesn't NEED to go to class? Last year I wrote a Hot Joint entitled "Class? What Class?" where I laid out instructions for former Kentucky freshman Anthony Davis and kids just like him not to waste their time in class in the spring semester if I were their dad. Not only that, don't worry about getting grades in the fall semester either. Just take those joints pass/fail!  My reasoning for those instructions were because Davis was going to be a lottery pick in June's NBA if he was still alive on draft day. Not just a lottery pick, he was going be the #1 pick in the draft homeboy according to all of the experts in the business in which he turned out to be.

So if you know that your profession is going to be basketball in a matter of months then it only makes sense to be prepared for the interview every night. This argument doesn't apply to the kid that's just on scholarship bruh! It only applies to the 5 or 6 kids in the world that have already been identified by the experts.

The NBA rule that forces these kids to even go to school is a joke. Derrick Rose had no intention of going to class when he went to Memphis. So therefore, he was forced to cheat on the SAT to get into the joint and as a result Memphis ended up having to forfeit all of the games that they won in route to the National Title Game in 2008, his only year in school. Now I'm not in favor of a kid cheating at all but he was backed into a corner and it was fight or flight! You already know once he got there he had some girl doing his work for him that first semester and he never even saw a class in the spring. So why not give that scholarship to a kid that really wants or needs to go to school?

People that are phenoms don't need to finish college! Bill Gates figured out that after three years of college that he didn't need it. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and the inventor of the IPhone that you're probably reading this joint on dropped out of school too. Neither Venus or Serena even enrolled. Beyonce' nor Justin Bieber even thought about it. I hear you saying, "Man their talents are 1 in a million so they could afford not to go to school!" My point exactly!

The "One and Done" athlete falls into that same category. The only difference is that the NBA contracts are guaranteed. That's why it makes even more sense to go pro ASAP if you are one of those guys! They don't need to waste time taking classes because the world says that they should. Why do we continue to lie to our kids by saying that EVERYONE NEEDS to go to college? If everybody went to college we wouldn't have plumbers, electricians, carpenters, barbers, beauticians, mechanics, brick masons etc. We wouldn't have construction workers or most importantly we wouldn't have a military to keep us safe if everyone went to college.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes first! After about eight grade kids shouldn't be forced to take all of the same courses in order to graduate from high school either. Why does a kid need to take biology or chemistry if they aren't interested in a field that requires a science background. They'll realize by middle school whether or not they like science. I agree that they need to be exposed to everything but that's why they go to elementary & middle school bruh.  For that matter, why are they even teaching kids to write in cursive any more. Other than teaching them how to write their names it's a complete waste of time! Some school districts have already begun to phase it out. I call on doctors daily that just make their mark on prescription pads that you can't figure out what it is. I write my name everyday and you can't recognize anything but the J. So what are we talking about bruh? I believe that everyone should have to take a key boarding class because it's necessary now that everything is computerized.

 Remember when you were forced to learn all of the state capitals in 4th grade? That was a complete waste of time! If you need to know that information you can just look it up. Why do you need to know what the capital of Vermont is? Henry Ford once said, "I don't need to know everything but for the things that I don't know I can just ask some one!" Therefore, every kid needs to learn how to use search engines.

Let's say that everyone did go to college. All we'd be doing is resetting the scale! The guy that is the janitor would still make less money than the guy in sales or in management. The doctor and lawyer would still make more money than the social worker or teacher etc. So why run a game on folks and tell them that college is mandatory when it's only necessary for certain careers?

If institutions of higher learning really wanted to  help these "One and Done's" they would put together a curriculum that would be specific to them since they're only going to be there for a year anyway. The NFL and NBA both hold rookie symposiums right after their respective drafts that teach these kids how to adjust to being a professional athlete. They teach them how to handle their money and how to look out for shady characters as well. They even go as far as teaching them how to stay away from certain types of women and how not to get caught up with multiple baby momma's etc.  Why not offer those types of classes and make them mandatory for your elite athletes on campus. Of course, the regular students could take them as well but the "One and Done" kid would have first dibs on them.

Guys like Anthony Davis have done more for schools like Kentucky in the one year that he was there than the kid that stays four years and graduates. Why? Because he's bring massive exposure to the university that is unmatched. When a school makes a run to the national title the following year freshman enrollment is typically up by 30% which generates even more revenue. Not to mention the millions of dollars in revenue that the school brings in for even being in the NCAA tournament as well as all of the ancillary products sold in the bookstore. Did I mention all of the licensed merchandise sold nationwide like his jersey that he doesn't get squat for.We haven't even begun to discuss all of the bread that the boosters are throwing around because boyz are winning. So if the kid is smart enough to use the school at the same time he's being used by them, then I say no harm no foul! Don't feel sorry for Memphis because they made a fortune off of Derrick Rose and to this day they're still getting paid off of his name. Like I always say, "Stop me when I start lyin' bruh!"

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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